
Sep 15, 2008 02:17

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[Lavi app 1/4] kacfrog711 September 22 2008, 14:12:06 UTC

Name: Frog
Personal journal: kacfrog711
Timezone: US/EST
AIM: kacfrog711
Other instant messenger: n/a
I agree to abide by the rules: yes

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Any other notes?: I strongly dislike AIM, but I adore LJ.
How did you hear about Overclocked?: a friend <3


Character Name: Lavi
Age: 28
Occupation: Bookman
Point in the timeline: 1905, several years after canon

Alternate future: Bookman died early on, in 1899. Lavi became his successor then, dropping his name and taking the title of Bookman, recording the hidden histories of war. In 1909, Lavi, 32 y/o and living as "Bookman," took on a Bookman-in-training. Lavi Bookman lived until nearly the end of the war, dying in 1917 (just before his 40th birthday, just after the Earl is defeated, and just before the end of World War I). Miranda's Time Record takes him back to 1905, before Lavi's Bookman's taken a successor but after the previous Bookman's death.

Personality: Lavi's personality is complicated. On the outside, of course, it's simple: Lavi's a goof, who loves with all his heart and give 110% to everything he does. He'd die for his friends, or kill for them, and is generally a clumsy, silly, stupid, nice guy. The complicated part is that these personality traits are only aspects of a persona he crafted for himself. It's all fake, a way he chooses to act in order to win trust and get information. Sneaky, eh? The real person underneath is bored, calculating, ridiculously smart, and heartless, and he cares only about himself and the information he can obtain.

Of course, people change. The hard person underneath is how he was before "Lavi" existed, before he met Kanda, Allen, Lenalee, and the gang. Over the course of canon, the group goes through a lot together. It's stressed in multiple instances that Lavi is becoming attached, that he cares about his friends, despite the Bookman prerogative. In a way, he grows into the "Lavi" personality and becomes the person that was once just a mask.

That's fine until Bookman dies, and Lavi suddenly takes on the title he'd been training for. What then? Does he fall back on his old hateful ways, or does he remain the caring, genuine person he's become? Treasure the friends he's made, or uphold the ideals of his mentor? He tries to be true to both, but as the war stretches on and his comrades die, the Bookman persona eventually wins out, and "Lavi" is obliterated.

In 1905, the point Lavi's taken to by Miranda's Time Record, Lavi is still struggling with his ideals and what to uphold. He still acts like "Lavi," but goes by "Bookman," and uses the tile as an excuse to push people away and ignore his more painful feelings. By his death 1917, however, he is completely Bookman through and through, with no remnants of the "Lavi" personality. What this means for Overclocked is: as Lavi's memories return, he'll act more and more like a Bookman and less and less like the Lavi canonmates from earlier in the war would remember. But was becoming the stoic ideal of "Bookman" really for the best (given how his life turned out), or will he choose a different path this time around?


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