
Sep 15, 2008 02:17


Copy and fill out the following form, then paste it as a comment to this entry to apply for a character in Overclocked. Please label the subject line with the name of your character. All comments here are screened until viewed by the moderators; accepted apps will be unscreened, while rejected ones will stay private.


Personal journal:
Other instant messenger:
I agree to abide by the rules:

Optional Fields
Any other notes?:
How did you hear about Overclocked?:


Character Name:
Point in the timeline:

Alternate future:


Special Notes:

Sample Posts

Writing Sample for

Writing Sample for

Special Section

Physical Appearance:

Personal Description/History:

Fighting Style:

We're opening for play on September 30th!

Out-of-Character (current members may skip this)

Personal journal:
AIM (required):
Other instant messenger:
I agree to abide by the rules:

Optional Fields
Any other notes?:
How did you hear about Overclocked?:


Character Name:
Age: (their current age after being regressed)
Point in the timeline: (example: 'after the Rewinding Town arc'; '2 years before the start of canon', 'several years after canon')

Alternate future: (What happened to your character in the war against the Earl before Miranda brought them back in time? Note: Your character probably died. We will be requiring very convincing reasons for anyone who wants their character to have survived the end of the war.

Also don't worry about having timeline conflicts with other characters for now. Once we start accepting people, we will work out discrepancies as needed.)

Personality: (This is where you convince us you know your character. Write with care.)

Special Notes: (Anything that seems important but isn't covered by the other fields.)

Sample Posts

Writing Sample for overclockedrp
(Have your character talk about anything they might normally discuss via this comm -- i.e. using a golem, a phone call, whatever. Should be at least a few lines long.)

Writing Sample for overclockedlogs
(Please write a short post about the last thing that happened to your character before waking up regressed in time. For most characters, this will mean a scene sometime very close to their death. We're looking for at least a couple solid paragraphs.)

Special Section

If you are apping a character from Cloud or Sokaro's squads or someone else who didn't really appear in canon, please include the following fields. Most characters do not need this if they have ever appeared on screen. If in doubt whether you should fill these out, ask the mods first.

Physical Appearance: (include build, features, hair and eyes, clothing, and any other physical traits)

Personal Description/History: (Where does this character come from? What were they doing up to/during the canon timeline while Allen and company were off adventuring? No need for too much detail, but give us a general idea.)

Fighting Style: (include preferred weapons, special techniques, description of Innocence if applicable, etc.)
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