oceansbaneIntroduction post
Post Maxie
oceansbaneIn which he horrifies the shit out of the island by attempting to lop off certain...effects of the Loveless event
Post Archie
mediatempestIn which his rival finally deigns to show up on this godforsaken rock
Thread Jupiter
g3_jupiterShe's looking for Cynthia; he's assuming he's found a hooker
Thread Cynthia
landsharkchampDiscussing what happened during the Galactic attempt at taking over; any comforting is entirely accidental
Thread Charon
charbroiledcashThe accidental trolling is strong with this one, and it's just his intro...
Thread Sird
icanpetrifyyouBecause that's not going to be awkward in hindsight at all
Thread EVENT - HAPPYBEAMED LIKE FUCKThreads with Cynthia (landsharkchamp), Eris (kuiper_kitty), Giovanni (of_the_land), and Archie (mediatempest)
flame_oneMeeting with his incompetent double's admin, and quickly dismissing him as equally incompetent
Thread Maxie
oceansbaneDealing with the aftermath of the abovementioned happybeaming like fuck
Post Norman
proudofsparklesHe meets Norman through chance and promptly begins to antagonize like hell
Thread Archie
moarseaplzHis speech patterns are screwed to hell; commence wondering why the fuck Archie exists
Thread Red
cursedandaloneFinding a Red dealing with possession issues ends up being...more awkward than anything, but at least there's some sort of positive interaction there
Thread Edmond
eflambergeAttempting to get information out of a...particularly flamboyant supporter of Team Magma
Thread EVENT - TRUTH/LIEFETTI Threads with Giovanni (of_the_land), Archie (mediatempest), and Cynthia (landsharkchamp)
Improv post, just because I could EVENT - COSPLAY BALL Threads with Archie (mediatempest), Clarissa (bandagedbandit) and Norman (proudofsparkles)
eflambergeMeeting with Edmond upon the other man's request; things promptly turn...strange
Thread EVENT - DESTINY BONDSThreads with Cynthia (landsharkchamp), Jupiter (g3_jupiter), and Norman (proudofsparkles)
red_rocketteA couple of redheads standing around discussing Nommels
Thread Norman
proudofsparklesForging a temporary truce, promptly interrupted by some inconveniently-placed cursed mistletoe
Thread Elisa
pyroobsessedDiscussion of training methods and opposing organizations
Thread Mitch
must_do_wellIn which the special favorite does well simply by being present
Thread EVENT - SWEET SCENTThread list forthcoming, once LJ decides to stop failing at life
oceansbaneImmediately following a violent discussion that may or may not have involved a pastry (technically a double-post with risingtectonics)
Post Archie
mediatempestClearly, Maxie isn't the only one who isn't taking well to the doubles' presence
Possession relapse Tabitha
flame_oneAttempting to recover ground on the training-the-admins front, because his double is a moron
Thread Archie
aquabossTrouncing the fuck out of yet another of Archie's doubles in battle
Thread Edmond
eflambergeMeeting with Edmond upon his request this time; things promptly turn unfortunate
Thread Marge
beautyburningMarge shows up on the island and there is so much mutual displeasure it's ridiculous
Thread Maxie
oceansbaneBaby Slugmas all up on this beach
Post EVENT...? - OKAY WHO SPIKED THE FUCKING DONUTS Threads with Mitch (must_do_well) and Archie (aquaboss)
aquabossFurther battling, and dealing with various...issues that have been unceremoniously shoved on both of them