Pokémon - Details, Movesets, etc

Aug 11, 2020 11:11


#323 - ♂
CAMERUPT #229 - ♂
HOUNDOOM #229 - ♀
HOUNDOOM #219 - ♀
MAGCARGO #038 - ♂
NINETALES #277 - ♂
SWELLOW Fire / Ground
Magma Armor Dark / Fire
Flash Fire Dark / Fire
Flash Fire Fire / Rock
Magma Armor Fire
Flash Fire Normal / Flying
Guts Eruption
Amnesia Sunny Day
Fire Spin
Protect Nasty Plot
Faint Attack Lava Plume
Light Screen
AncientPower Fire Spin
Sunny Day
Nasty Plot Fly
Aerial Ace
Return Adamant
Mischievous Timid
Very finicky Modest
Hates to lose Sassy
Highly curious Docile
Likes to run Jolly
Sturdy body


#219 - ♀
MAGCARGO #229 - ♂
HOUNDOOM #229 - ♀
HOUNDOOM Fire / Rock
x 1 Dark / Fire
x 1* Dark / Fire
x 2 * currently on loan to Tabitha (flame_one)


#218 - ♂
SLUGMA #218 - ♀
x 7 Fire
x 5


+ Camerupt was his first Pokémon, caught as a Numel when Maxie was a child. Out of his main team, Magcargo is the most recent, hatched and raised on the island; she's one of the results of the...uh, accident with his original Magcargo that led to the derpslug legion down there, and not-so-affectionately dubbed "Stupid."

+ Due to not having access to a Pokédex, Maxie's knowledge of his own Pokémon is a bit hit-or-miss; he obviously knows what information is common knowledge, but individually, well...they're all pretty much level "hell-if-I-know," a few moves that have been added since Gens IV and V are kind of "Oh god what in the world was that just now," and he couldn't tell you what official nature or characteristics his Pokémon have if his life depended on it.

+ He is very close to his Pokémon, however and he'll spoil them if time and circumstances allow; as such, he's noticed some sort of correlation between the flavors they tend to prefer and where their strengths tend to be. It's enough to help him form some educated guesses on what to look for, though not necessarily enough to be...terribly helpful overall.

+ That said, he breeds his Pokémon like crazy; he's very fond of egg moves, and he's very fond of TMs. Camerupt is pretty much the only one he won't breed.

+ He does carry the Pokémon listed as being in reserve and in training with him, as well as his main team of six; the ones that are on reserve are generally not used, however, save as a stalling tactic, and their movesets are rather unpolished - they're mostly used for the abovementioned breeding. Magcargo is the exception to this - he did use her often for battle until very recently, when he switched to using one of her...daughters, so to speak.

+ ...yes, he battles with a Swellow in all seriousness.

+ The derpslug legion at the bottom was not anything he intended to keep, as they're the result of that abovementioned accident of sorts with his original Magcargo, but his subordinates talked him into keeping the lot of them. He's training one of them, another has gone to Mitch, and two others have gone to Mack; the legion members themselves, however, are pets, and not used for battle.
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