Everyone that lives, will some day die, and die alone.

Feb 17, 2005 17:49

Well...I'm pretty much the same as I was the last week, and the week before that,.....and the week before that. Still...Lost, confused, crushed, sad, depressed, numb..anyway. I started to write a new song...it's not about a guy, or them breaking up with a girl. For once...lol. If I think it's not shitty...then I'll post it. Even though my other one was shitty too...hrm...Anyways... I'll go through my weekly updates like i usually do...

Sunday: Slept freakishly late..like 1...lol that's late to what i'm use to..in the summer, that would be early. Lol. But ya I helped my step dad put up these two lamps. and it was a bitch. He was swearing and screaming so much...it took us like 3 hours to put em up. I held a straight face the whole time he was swearing. But inside I was laughing. He usually doesn't swear...except when he's doing something and it's not working...but ya one of the things he called the poor chandeler thing was a cock sucker. Lol, now that's funny if you think about a 43 year old man that doesn't swear and stuff calling a materialistic thing a cock sucker. anyway...I did chores all day.

Monday: 'Single Awareness Day' AKA 'SAD' or....Valentines Day... Went to school, wearing my usual attire, Jess joined me though, so that was nice. Our math teacher said to Jess and I " I seee you dressed up for protesting valentines day" I was a lil bitter about that. Because I was dressed in my regular every day clothes...the way i was dressed, just wasn't for the day...it's what I always wear...and the fact that she doesn't realize it...i dunno...she's got better things to do and remember, rather than having " Bree wears black every day" perminently stuck in her memory. Anyway...after school, Jess came over...then we both drove to Chemung ,saw Dale....and we were talking and I told him I was writing my own lyrics and started writing music and he was all excited about it. Lol it was funny. But he's like I can see you as a very good writer, because you have alot to say, and you're very empowering. and He said a couple other things.. and it made me feel good, to get a compliment like that...but then i thought about it, and now I dunno if he was just saying that to make me feel good. heh..... but ya afterwards we went to Blaines, his friend dylan was there...so all 4 of us hung out....that was....interesting...haha...;) ya but when we left, we were really really hungry...so we stoped at taco bell. :D lol and I didn't kill us while driving, eating tacos, and in the dark. woowoo I rock...But ya...i got some sour cream on my skirt...and when i got home my mom is like...what is that on your skirt? and i'm like...huh? oh ya that? it's just semen...no big deal. she';s like WHAT? im like dude...im kidding it's sour cream. hah ya...

Tuesday: Can't remember what happened in school...I know i didn't enjoy it though. Jess Beck and I ran after school...We only ran about 1 1/2 miles to 2. So...ya... I went to sleep at 930 that nite!! Woowoo go me!

Wednesday: Pretty sure that school sucked. After school I went running by myself, cuz Jess had to babysit, and Becky went Home on the bus. because she can't have her mom pick her up, cuz she can't drive with her mom, cuz her mom was hospitolized....and it was really scarey, and i felt so bad for her...this week has been rough for her...her mom came home after 2 days...but ya...I ran 4 and a half miles. It was crazy cool. that's 52 laps on the upper track at school.:D Had my lil disc man..listened to the radio...and tsunami bomb...I really really really really like them alot..and I'm jealous of Matt cuz he's going to go see them on Sunday:( Well...I hope he has a good time anyway....

Today: Half day in school...woohoo! But it felt like Friday...and it sucks that it's not:( But ya I came home...and i was sooooooooo tired. But My mom wouldn't let me go to sleep...she made me go out and run a few errands with her... well she had to go to the DMV to get her license renewed...I had to go to the library, bank, and drop off some applications. after that we went to 6 Nuts for dinner. I had a chicken ceasar salad :D yummyyyy...but ya so that was my whoollee half day:( But I'm do some homework now, so i can watch my favorite tv show tonite. he he he.

Tomrrow Becky wants to go to a show at Just for Fun...But I dunno..maybe. She wants Adam to go...and that's cool. I'll be third wheel for her, so she has a chance to be with a guy. ( DON'T DO IT BECKY, DON'T DO IT, THEY CRUSH YOUR HEART, AND LEAVE IT ON THE GROUND, THEN STOMP ON IT, THEN THE WIND TAKES IT AWAY!!!!!) no...i'm just kidding...maybe. Not to scare you away from guys or anything. But ya..saturday..Jess wants me to go with her to get her Prom dress...and she's not going to prom... that night is Winter Formal...But we don't want to go anymore...cuz I'd rather 'he' go with me...and she wants a guy...and...that won't happen...well Blaine would prolly go with her ;) and they'd have a great time...so maybe she'll ask him or something. But ya Sunday...Spinderson (Blaines band) and RRSH have a show at 23 north...so we might go to that. jess wants to go for blaine;) becky wants to go for the show....and i'm just being dragged outa my house, and away from moping. monday...no plans...all alone..every one will be working...:|

Catch yall on the flip side...
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