Oct 01, 2010 13:48
I'm sitting at my brother's apartment catching up on all the music I've missed, and tuning into old favorites. Oh, industrial, how I've missed you.
I applied for a job at [a call center] on Monday, and interviewed on Tuesday. I got the job. Apparently I'm going to be making outbound calls to advertising firms, offering them free magazine publications that pertain to their interests. It's very humbling for me to take a job that I'm so overqualified for, but hey, it's better than being unemployed. Hearing stories inside, I thought it would be months before I found employment. So HA! I start on Monday, Oct. 4, 2010.
It's about a 30 minute walk from the halfway house I'm living in, so convenience is a factor, and I suppose will continue to be as I search for something better... at least until I get my driver's license reinstated and acquire a reliable mode of transportation. I'd really like to stay as green as possible -- buy a bike and continue to work somewhere nearby, perhaps. Is there a hybrid in my future? Hmm.
Part of the requirements in residing at this halfway house is to attend meetings regularly. One a day for the first 30 days, then 3 per week. I remember a time in my life when this would have been an outrageous request, but it seems natural now. I welcome this as part of my routine for now. It's nice to become acquainted with so many recovering addicts in the "free world"... networking with people who can understand and relate to what I've been through.
I was avidly watching an awesome vampire drama called Moonlight while inside. I was excited to find news about this upon my release, and yesterday I looked it up and found that it had been canceled. They always kill the good shows. :/ Oh well. At least I still have Fringe.
I'm famished for poetry slam. Somebody tell me what's going on and when!