Fellowship of the Ring is on right now. On TBS, for some reason. Naturally, I'm watching it.
<3 <3 <3 <3
I was suddenly inspired to write an iCarly fic when Frodo called Gandalf a disturber of the peace. A Carly/Sam (Puckett, of course) fic, specifically. Let's see if I can actually FINISH this one!
And speaking of LOTR/iCarly... SOMEONE SERIOUSLY NEEDS TO DRAW THIS: Carly and Sam, in Hobbit garb, on their way to Mordor. Carly is in Frodo's place, and Sam (Puckett) plays the role of Sam (Gamgee). Gollum is optional, either as just Gollum or Nevel!Gollum, or Missy!Gollum. But I'm thinking that would just be seriously freaky. Carly looking exhausted, Sam concerned. Possibly early ROTK or sometime TTT.
AND/OR THIS: Again, Carly is Frodo and Sam is Sam. Sam carrying Carly up Mt. Doom on her back, like in ROTK. "I can't carry it for you, but I can carry you!" One of my all time FAVORITE scenes.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JEMdXhfO-Wk Samantha Gamgee and Carly Baggins, once again. Just... SOMETHING with this!
Anyone? Anyone? ANYONE? *coughcough
_kidencoughcough* Except, she seems pretty MIA from LJ.
Oh, fun fact: I actually do NOT ship Frodo/Sam. I just LOVE LOVE LOVE their beautiful friendship as it is.
Short update on life: Sadly, the Understanding Comics Art class looked like it was going to be WAY WAY WAY too much, so I'm dropping it, and hopefully take it next year. More on that later.