So hey. Long time no see, guys.
I've been spending some of my time in Georgia, some time pining over a boy, some time pining over a new CELEBRITY boy (well MAN really), lots of time over at the forums, some time reading fanfic, saw some EXCELLENT films (and some shite ones), got incredibly MOVED and UPSET by television, listened to some good new music, and spent a bit of time hanging with my friends from high school.
And all of that time not: unpacking from college, writing original stories, not even writing fanfic. Or making journal entries.
I suppose I'll just
cut all this shit for your reading pleasure. Or more likely the pleasure of your f-list browsing.
Anyway, let's tackle this shit one by one.
Georgia: My big bro is moving to GEORGIA. I drove down with him and helped unpack all his crap. Jesus, I am never having an entertainment center. Those things are BITCHES to move and I really almost broke my arm in the process. (It still hurts when I rub it.) Anyway, Becky was settling in so she could go to work, and at the end of the week me and my bro came back to PA so he can be in a wedding. Sadly, there was a mishap with their cable or whatever, so it was a whole week without internet or television. Basically, we hooked up the DVD player and watched a lot of Scrubs. I played the Sims a bunch while they unpacked. We went to Wal-Mart every. single. day. And I ate at a Sonic for the first time. Their slushes are fucking delicious. And the best thing about being away from home is all the dancing and being silly in public I can do without fear of seeing anyone I went to high school with. Pretty fabulous in all. And the weather was pretty much gorgeous the whole time we were down there. A bit of drizzling, but nothing big. I'll put pictures on Facebook when I feel like it :P But yeah. An interesting place...but it'll still suck to have my brother so fucking far away. I'm not sure how he and Becky will get along living with each other, but I guess this will be make-or-break for them. She seemed kinda bitchy a bunch of times while we were down there, but in her defense, she was PMSing and also gonna be without her boyfriend for a week in a new place. I don't blame her for being a bit upset. But yeah. That was basically Georgia. Hotlanta, as it were. We didn't really go into the city except to go to the Airport. But I said "Hotlanta" at least forty times on the way to the airport, so I felt pretty good about it.
Pining over a boy: Not just any boy, T.J.! We remember
T.J., don't we? Anyway, he came by to see my brother before he leaves for Georgia for good, and actually called me one morning. I have to say, it was quite the sweet way to wake up. It was noon though, so I couldn't bust his balls for waking me up :P So he hung out with us at the mall for awhile, then came home and played a good game of Trivial Pursuit like we do. Sadly, we didn't have enough people for Pictionary, as T and I happen to be an excellent Pictionary team. Us hanging out was nothing special, like it has been before, but it was so incredibly good to see him. And while I let another visit pass without telling him how I feel, I figured it was probably for the best. I tend to screw things up really poorly in this area, and the last thing I want is to alienate him. He keeps telling me to come down to D.C. sometime, and I really want to. I mean, I've never been to D.C. and I'm crazy about him. I've got nothing to lose, really. And I will go some long weekend, Labor day or something. When he left I got another really good hug, and it was wonderful. I really do miss him so much when he's not around. Sigh.
some time pining over a new CELEBRITY boy (well MAN really): I LOVE ROBERT DOWNEY JUNIOR AND WILL SHOUT IT FROM THE GODDAMN ROOFTOPS. I don't understand how tired I was that I haven't BLOGGED ABOUT SEEING IRON MAN. TWICE. GAAAHHHH IT WAS SO GOOD. But yeah. So I've kinda developed a mini-obsession with the lovely RDJ. I mean, I've always had a thing for him, ever since I was a kid and I saw him in Back to School. He was so freaking cute in that movie. He made my
top fifty people I'd totally bone list that I made awhile ago. (Sadly, edgar is not on it!). But yeah. I was giddy as shit for Iron Man to come out, and it did, and it made every expectation I had AND THEN SOME. RDJ is just so fucking brilliant, and I was so pumped for this film, and just...gah! Even though I had to go see it the day it came out in a packed Boston theatre all by myself because I've got shitty friends, it was still absolutely amazing. I came out of it like, shaking, trying to smoke a cigarette and calm the fuck down, but I couldn't 'cause i was SO GIGGLY. Since then I've surrepticiously been ganking pictures and icons and Iron Man merch. (I can't wait for all the shit there'll be at Comicon this weekend!!!) And rewatching/downloading/renting more of his movies, watching youtube videos, and catching his Inside the Actor's Studio special (for the second time) in a few minutes. What a fucking doll. So yes. new mini-obsession. Don't you worry, Edgar Wright. I still love you like whoa. It's just a bit of a waning period in Trio news at the moment.
Ooohhh, speaking of trio stuff, I've been getting into the comedy of Adam and Joe a lot recently. Definitely check out their BBC podcasts (they're free, just iTunes search 'adam and joe') if you're interested in HILARIOUS things. Or search 'em on youtube. They're absoultely hilarious (and Joe Cornish is mighty adorable) and I'll probably post about them when their podcasts start back up next week or so.
About the forums, really not all that much to say. I'm trying to increase my postcount without being dorky. Hopefully I'm making some friends. Or at least pleasant acquaintances. I met somebody who loves Edgar and RDJ. She recommended watching "Fur" to me, which is sitting on my desk at the moment. They're good people on that board, I gotta say. Except for one girl who is creepily in "love" with Edgar, and keeps posting about how she can't stop thinking about him and junk. And I mean, I know people who've had real problems like that, but if you're gonna be infatuated...keep it to yourself. Everyone on the boards are like, really discreet (I tried to gossip about Diablo Cody and whether or not she's boning edgar, and i got politely repremanded about not discussing their personal lives) so her creepiness is extra creepy. But she hasn't been posting in awhile, so I'm not too concerned.
some time reading fanfic: I've got the quality fic barrage from my good friends at
the sandford police community. That makes for lots of quality Fuzzfic. I also discovered that there's Kiss Kiss Bang Bang fanfiction! I mean I know there's fanfic of practically EVERYTHING, but still. 'Twas exciting for me. Lots of Harry/Perry. Mostly, Harry/Perry really. Which isn't surprsing. Awwwwwwww, RDJ just tapped danced on Inside the Actor's Studio. Adorable. But yeah. Good fanfiction is incredibly calming for me. It sometimes keeps me from cleaning my room and unpacking and all that jazz, but it's calming and fun and can occasionally be good inpsiration. Sometimes it's got the opposite effect though; I read it and I go "Oh, mine could never be this good!" But for the South Park fanfiction, it's what inspired me TO write. I went "Well Christ, my shit can't be worse than half of the crap on here, so why not?" Oh fanfiction. I have such a delicious love/hate relationship with you.
saw some EXCELLENT films (and some shite ones): So I've already mentioned how INCREDIBLE Iron Man was, and how you should SEE IT IMMEDIATELY if you haven't already, but I've actually seen some other good flicks lately. I saw Indy 4, and that was killer. Disney Channel's Shia LeBouf was actually really good, which I didn't expect. Well, I expected him to be good, but I didn't expect him to fit so well in the film. I really liked it. It was fun and action-packed and shit exploded. How can't you love it? Not to spoil for those who haven't seen it, but I thought the content, as it were, was appropriate and interesting, if not a bit strange. And I still wanted to bone Cate Blanchett senseless, so it was a good flick in that respect as well. I saw Forgetting Sarah Marshall as well, that wasn't bad at all. I expected it to be funny and it was. It had a great British character in it, who was actually really funny. And Jonah Hill's small part was adordable. I haven't seen Speed Racer yet, but I want to (Christina Ricci, yeow) and I still haven't seen Son of Rambow! It's playing at the special County theatre (where they play indie flicks 'round these parts) so I'll have to make a journey to go check it out. Perhaps I can get Joseph to come with me... ((I forgot to mention the shite ones. Well, they're invevitable, aren't they? I suppose by "shite" I really mean "adequate". I like a lot of shite films really. I mean, I just bought License to Drive today. And I was really excited about it!))
So OMG television! Why you gotta be like that? The House finale had me BAWLING LIKE A GODDAMN BABY for poor Wilson and poor Amber! Why do they always have to kill off characters that I like? I hated Thirteen. I wanted Amber to stay so much more. She was so cooool. And then when she came back dating Wilson, I cheered so much! I was so fucking happy for Wilson! And now she's fucking dead, and it's sort of House's fault, adn Wilson thinks House had a thing for her, and it's just like, Jesus Christ. And then on SVU we fucking lose DIANE NEAL who I love, miss casey novak, you are so cute. It was weird, at the end of the episode when she started crying, she looked like Amber from House. But anyway, Fin and Stabler get in a huge fight D:, then Lake shoots up some shit, Fin's freaking out, Casey Novak gets fucking fired, adn ICE-T PUTS IN FOR A FUCKING TRANSFER. MY HEART WILL BE FUCKING BROKEN IF HE LEAVES THIS SHOW. I WON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO D: But like, I haven't seen any articles saying Ice-T is leaving the show, and I saw a bunch a few weeks ago (before the ep) saying Adam Beach and Diane Neal were leaving, so hopefully it's a little stunt to freak me out, and Ice-T will stay with SVU. I can only fucking hope. *crosses fingers until september*
At least Hell's Kitchen is still on, and they haven't kicked Ramsay off or anything. I love that sexy cussin' man. Mmmmm accents!
listened to some good new music: Okay, okay.
givethesignal totally got to me with her Cobra Starship, and now I can't stop listening to "Guilty Pleasure" and "The City is at War". And of course, "Hollaback boy". I really love that song much more than I should. And also, I've got (all but two songs from) Robert Downey Jr's album "The Futurist". It's sort of soft pianoy music, but he's got this AMAZING cover of Yes' "Your Move" that is absolutely brilliant. I wish he'd like...sing harder, ya know? He's got a great voice, and I feel like the Yes cover is the only song that really conveys it. But apparently he did some music for the Ally McBeal so I'll have to check that out. And I definitely wanna see RDJ on that show, but I sorta hate Calista Flockheart. Even more so beacuse she's boning Harrison Ford. It doesn't seem fair, somehow. Ally McBeal banging Han Solo. Le sigh. Anyway this paragraph has strayed far from music. Oh, if you haven't seen this incredible Elton John video, WATCH IT.
I seriously just learned how to embed youtube videos so you could witness this sexiness:
Click to view
One of the comments on it was a girl going "This is basically porn." I couldn't agree more, lady. I couldn't agree more. When he says "Ready for the rougher stuff" I almost fucking came when I first saw it, I swear. Jesus. Incredibly, incredibly, incredibly, sexy.
And lastly...
spent a bit of time hanging with my friends from high school: I hung out with Joe a bit since I've been home from Georgia. I have a feeling he'll really be replacing the brother-shaped whole in my life this summer. I hung out with Banana and her girlfriend for a bit too. Good times.
Fuck, that was epic. I still need a job. God, I'm gonna have to pay crazy monies for an apartment next semester. Uggghh. I best revel in this up-until-three-am-moments while I still have 'em, eh? I probably won't get up until 1 tomorrow. Oh life. I still have so much shit to unpack and room to clean. And closet to go through. Uughghghghgh gross.
Well, the Girls Gone Wild commercials have come on. I guess it's really time to go to bed. G'bye y'all.