and we all know how to fake it, baby

May 29, 2013 00:49

Way too long since my last post. I kept meaning to write something, but then I'd get distracted by other things and never get around to it.

Spring semester is over. C in my Media, Power, and Culture class, Incomplete in my Literature class - which means I need to get cracking on what I need to finish for it now. But, honestly, I just took a much needed break after busting my ass for two weeks and then freaking out about declaring my major and getting my work study money sorted out so I could actually, you know, work. I missed out on a couple days because of that and, while I tried to do open/close for two days at the library, it just didn't quite happen. Then I was all gross and crampy last week, so I took two days off to lay around the house and feel like crap in the comfort of my own home. Now I'm back on track (aside from the loss of a day of work on Memorial Day, when the library was closed, but I can make that up here and there through the rest of the week).

I need to do the satisifactory progress appeal song and dance again, which shouldn't be too much of an issue, since I'm working with my instructor in regards to that Incomplete grade and I have a laundy list of reasons why I struggled so badly last semester. So once that's taken care of, hopefully everything will be in order for financial aid and starting classes in June.

Also, hoping everything works out well so I can pay all my goddamn bills and finally catch up on rent oh my god. Once I take care of that, as long as I'm doing my 28/hrs a week at work, I should be able to manage keeping on top of rent and stuff.

At the beginning of the month, I told off a guy for exposing himself on the bus:
Okay, here's the story about an exposed penis on the bus.

I'm on the Interurban bus, sitting all the way in the back by the window because I'm going all the way out to Downtown Ravenna and it reduces my chance of someone sitting directly next to me. I get on in Downtown Kent. At the stop by Starbucks, an older man (probably fifties or sixties - thin, grey hair, glasses, has a reuseable bag full of whatever). He doesn't have his change out, but the bus pulls off to C-Midway anyhow because, I guess, the driver assumes he'll have it out by then.

While he's digging his fare out, I squint because it looks like he's wearing this super tight shorts and, for a brief moment, I'm wondering if he's not just wearing boxers. But he's not sitting near me (he's by the rear door), so I don't bother myself with it.

At C-Midway a metric fuckton of people get on the bus. Dude moves to the back of the bus, to the parallel seats that face each other. The bus is very crowded at this point, so I squeeze myself into my corner and play solitaire until they all pile out between Campus Pointe and the few stops before Walmart.

After the bus empties a bit, going counter-clockwise from myself: there's a guy sitting a seat over from me, one guy in the opposite corner from me, weird old dude, a Muslim girl and an Asian girl sitting directly in front of me and across from weird dude.

At some point, I glance over. At some point, I squint because it looks like those are actually just plain ol' boxer shorts. At some point I realize he's wearing absolutely nothing under said boxer shorts and, welp, there's someone's dick. Right there. The boxers are hiding nothing, the leg holes are wide, and there's a breeze in the bus from the open windows so HOW DO YOU NOT NOTICE IT.

I make eye contact with the Asian girl in front of me, neither of us says anything. I pull my legs out from behind the seats in front of me, reach out with a foot, shove his knee and I go, "Dude, close your legs, no one wants to see your dick." No one says a word, which I'm fine with, because I didn't want to disturb the front of the bus, I just wanted this dude to stop exposing himself to the two girls in front of me who probably weren't going to say anything.

Guy looks spooked, doesn't say anything, spends the rest of the trip making a half-assed effort of trying to keep his legs closed - which he's not good at at all - while I stare him down (full eye contact, I don't think he knew how to deal with that) the entire time until I get off the bus. He spent the entire time trying to keep himself covered by adjusting his boxers, but it was pretty much futile.

I think the only saving grace was that he didn't have an erection. Which is a pretty sad upside, if you think about it. Who seriously thinks its a good idea to go out of the house IN ONLY BOXERS. DO YOU NOT SEE THE PROBLEM WITH THIS?

Copy/paste from Facebook because that's easier than re-writing it. It was ridiculous and sad.

I've been cleaning the fuck out of the house. The only rooms that need a hardcore clean at this point are the bedroom, my office, and the kitchen. The two former are really just cluttered with clothes and stuff, nothing special. My office seems especially bad because it's so small. The kitchen is mostly just dishes, which I still loathe and I should probably do some of tonight because our water may be off tomorrow. They wouldn't give me an extension until Friday, which I think is ridiculous, and I can't seem to get anyone interested in commissions to get the cash together so I can pay it in the morning.

Friend Kelson stopped by last week, which was awesome because we never ever get to see him since he's either busy or living down in Columbus now! He hung out for a few hours before departing into the night.

Last weekend we went to a bonfire at a friend's place and it was really nice! I saved a mama wolf spider and I acquired a deer skull. We also played a bunch of Just Dance and a card game called Pit. It was a good time and, while we were waffling on going at first, I'm glad we did.

I haven't been drawing a whole lot in the last two weeks, but I signed up for ArtSlam, which I'm looking forward to! I think it'll be a fun challenge.

Last week, I went for a walk downtown to the river and took some photos because it was a super nice day and the river was low enough that I could walk around in it.

And now, the remaining instagram spam:

And, finally, I made Tony give me a side shave/undercut the other night.

[ crossposted from dreamwidth ➙ you can also view it there ]

personal: job, personal: college, hobby: instagram, !gpoy, adventures!, hobby: photos, !crosspost, art

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