there's too much demon blood in these self appointed angels

May 05, 2013 16:08

Things I want to do this summer:

  • picnics!
  • go to the ledges - nelson ledges and/or kendall park
  • heck, go to kendall park and the cuyahoga valley nat. forest
  • train rides at peninsula!
  • great lakes medieval faire!!
  • swimming, maybe?
  • bjd zoo meet? might happen in june
  • more bonfires
  • more random shenanigans
Yesterday was really crazy, but in a good way!

In the morning, Tony and I got up to go down to the open farmer's market a block away from us. There wasn't much, since it was the first outdoor weekend they've had, but we bought some kale for Jackie, our uyromastyx, and we ran into Lysa! Then, we walked up to Gaming Grounds (which is run by Noir, who we know from Warren years ago) to see if he had any swag for Free Comic Book Day. We got little Iron Man Heroclix and talked about maybe running tabletop games and stuff like that. Tony hadn't been up there before (I'd been there once prior), either.

After, we came home and I went up to work. I thought I was going to be working from 3-9 (instead of my usual 3-6), but there was a miscommunication with picking up someone's shift and another kid came in to cover the shift I was going to take after mine. I didn't mind too much, because that meant I could go downtown and catch up with Tony and Jevin at BW3. We hadn't seen much of him all semester - due to conflicting schedules and stuff - and he wanted to hang out a bit before summer break, because he's going out of state to see his partner. So we hung out for a little bit, then he dropped us off up at campus and we met up with some of the local furries that we actually enjoy the company of (Bass, Malik, Willow, Jeff, Savanna, and Malik's girlfriend, who we hadn't met prior, but was pretty cool!). We ended up going out to Jeff's place in Streetsboro and having a bonfire and generally hanging out and bullshitting until about midnight.

(they had a really cute cat with a nub tail at Jeff's place)

It was just really nice to do something completely spontaneous and have an enjoyable day spent with friends after stressing over money and stuff. I mean, money troubles are still there, but I feel a lot better about them now, I guess? My mind's in a better place than it was two days ago, at least. Shit will work out, it always does.

Other than the money issues, I've been feeling good otherwise about a lot of things.

I've been drawing a lot more, taking my tablet to work a lot to just sketch on the larger monitors at work, and spend time doodling when I'm stuck inn the photo studio with nothing else to do. I'm feeling a lot better about my art, taking more time to tweak things and make them look better instead of sort of half-assing it or not paying attention to what I'm doing. Faces are looking better, less weaboo. Eyes are looking nicer and less anime. I still need to work on things like hands, of course, and feet. But loose gesture sketches are coming out faster and nicer and I like that.

I've been working on a set of digital pieces for Anthrocon - the main six characters from the new My Little Pony show. As much as I loathe the fandom and the bronies, I do love dumb, colorful designs. I'm basing most of the designs I'm drawing off the Equestria Girls spinoff they're going to do, which a lot of people don't like?? I like the basics of them, so whatever.

I've only inked Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie so far. All six are sketched, though the three I did after the ones above are kind of half-assed, so I'll have to clean them up and make them nicer. I'll probably make mini prints of them (4x6 or 5x7) to sell, and then maybe make some larger prints and paint some colorful frames and put them in the art show if I'm able to.

I might also one or two personal (my own character) pieces in the art show, if I can hash something out this week and maybe use the printer at work. We'll see. I really don't know what sort of merch to take/make to AC because I don't want to be stuck doing commissions all weekend. I've still got two months, though, so I'm sure I'll figure something out.

I'm also thinking about trying to do basic reference sheets for my main characters that I use/draw frequently (Phe, Gwen, Max, Tegan, Poe, Sahariel, etc.). Probably just a ref for their markings and body shape without clothes (because none of them have the same body shape - Gwen is pear-shaped with big hips, Poe is slender but busty, Phe is somewhat athletic, Tegan is thin and doesn't have a lot in the way of hips and boobs, etc.), and then what they normally wear - something to show the style of clothing they dress in.

I'll probably use stock photos for them - cause I want the pose to reflect their personality/character a bit, and it's a bit faster to sketch over stock photos and keep everyone looking similar-ish when it comes to the style anyhow. I've only started on Phe so far, however.

And, for good measure, two other little doodles from recently:

Alexis and Phoenix Shepard - my Mass Effect Shepard who's based on Phe, which is kind of self-explainatory by the name! I'm pretty proud of her face. I need to go back in and do some tweaking and fix her ear, but she's coming together pretty well so far!

[ crossposted from dreamwidth ➙ you can also view it there ]

hobby: instagram, adventures!, fandom: furry, !crosspost, fandom: mass effect, art

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