the light at the end of the tunnel

Dec 04, 2012 14:50

Semester is almost over. I've got an A in my Intro to Computer Technology class and probably, at least, a B in my College Writing II class. Our group project in the latter is due tonight and I have almost everything done for it. After that, I only have an essay re-write to do that's due on Thursday. In my Comp class, I have another assignment to do and then, as long as my grade is over 93% (it's at 96% right now), I get to skip the final!

Picked my classes for next semester. Two English courses. Literature in the United States II and Creative Writing. I'm hoping taking two english classes won't be too much work, but I'm taking both with Tony, so we can lament together. BUT!! Creative Writing is ON CAMPUS, which I'm excited about (and Tony is anxious about). With work study, I have the flexibility now to take an on campus class, if I want, which I'm really happy about because I'm running out of online campuses through the branches to take.

So I'm glad about that. I'm less than glad that I can't get an advance on my financial aid until JANUARY 2nd. I got one last year around this time on the 21st (according to my bursar's account) and the ladies at the bursar office keep telling me they can't do Flashcash until two weeks before the beginning of the semester. Why in the world would I need Flashcash then, refunds start disbursing on the 3rd of January. Flashcash is supposed to be for getting your stuff early (usually, for getting books and things early). I was going to use it to, you know, pay November's rent that hasn't been paid yet because my work study checks are, maybe, $250 for two weeks. On top of that, we had to pay car insurance and something else, which I can't remember. Some other bill that came up that needed priority.

I mean, I'll be working at the bookstore soon, but I know my work study is almost out and I don't know what happens after that. I hate to be that asshole that pulls out of the budget for the library (since my VCD job will be done after finals week), so maybe I just won't work over the break. I guess that wouldn't be so bad, since I could work fulltime at the bookstore then. We'll see, I suppose.

I'll probably be back at the bookstore next week. I have to go and fill out my tax stuff tomorrow.

I think I'm repeating myself a lot here, compared to the previous entry.

I finished Nine's run on Doctor Who last night. I will miss Eccelston, but Tennant is already growing on me and I've only seen him in action for thirty seconds, so that's good. I'm still half and half on Rose. I don't hate her, but I still find it hard to believe that a nine hundred year old alien would fall in love with someone so quickly (what was it, three or four episodes in when someone comments that the Doctor is in love with her?). I can completely believe Rose falling in love with the Doctor that quickly, but Rose is also a nineteen year old girl who flirts with every attractive man that comes by and makes kind of bad life decisions (I'm still a bit miffed about how she treated Mickey, really).

The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances was GREAT. I loved Nancy and, while it takes a lot to scare me and I wasn't scared by the gas mask victims, there was still a level of eerie and creepy to the whole situation. Also! JACK. I do love Jack. I think it's hard not to, really.

I'm not sure how I feel about the whole Bad Wolf thing. It was a little deus ex machina, but at least it finally solved all the Bad Wolf references popping up. I'm kind of more interested in why the words 'bad wolf' were used.

The Dalek's are completely not even a little scary to me. They are pretty fabulous assholes, though, so I'll give them that. But whenever anyone gets really terrified of them in the show (with good reason, though, they do have death lasers), I have a hard time believing it.

Father's Day damn near wrecked me and i don't know why. I thought it was a really good episode.

So, overall, I'm enjoying the series. I am ready for a new companion, however, and I'm worried that when I get to the Pond's, as pretty as Karen Gillian is, I'll get tired of them quickly, too.

[ crossposted from dreamwidth ➙ you can also view it there ]

fandom: doctor who, personal: job, personal: college

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