muddy hymnals and some boot marks where you'd been

Dec 01, 2012 02:16

I've been meaning to write a post for a few days now, but I've also been in an apathetic lull of sleeping and sleeping and sleeping. It's been pretty cool. /sarcasm

I had almost a week off for Thanksgiving break, which was nice, but it flip-flopped my sleeping schedule all around. I was going to bed at 7AM and waking up at, like, 6PM. When the sun goes down at 4:30 in the afternoon, doing that really makes you feel like you've wasted the day. But it's almost the end of the semester, so I guess it's not too big of a deal.

Thanksgiving was nice, made turkey and stuffing and mashed potatoes and I bought a pumpkin pie, but it was really sweet and I should really just learn to make one from scratch. I already brine the turkey and have a certain way I prepare it, why the hell shouldn't I do a pie, too? The turkey was quite tasty, though, and pretty much fell off the bone when I cut it, which was doubly nice because then I didn't have to put a ton of effort into seperating the tasty meats from the rest of the bird. We have plent of leftovers, so we'll probably end up making soup or something with the remainder. The cats and rats got some scraps, too, which they were all esctatic about.

The bookstore contacted me at the beginning of the week and once I figure out my schedule for my other two jobs, I'll be back there for the end/beginning of the semester, which is nice. I'm still hoping I'll get hired in. Even working part time there and my two work study jobs wouldn't be too bad. I'd have 30-40 hours a week and steady jobs that would work around each other and my school schedule. But even if I don't, I still like working there for the rushes, so I definitely can't complain.

I think I'm coming up on my work study limit and I don't know what happens when I do? I have to ask someone next time I see my supervisor for either job. There's only two weeks left in the semester, so I don't know if it's even going to be a big deal. My VCD job won't be necessary until the semester starts again, since it's a customer service kind of job and if there aren't students needing to use the resource room, there's no need for it to be open, I assume. I might not be able to work over the break at the library, which is really the worst case scenario, but both jobs pick back up in the Spring and I'll be at the bookstore in the meantime. So not a huge deal, but it'd be nice to have both sources of income, since the paydays are opposite each other and I would get paid every week.

I'm a month behind on rent and I'm trying not to freak out about it. I need to take something from this paycheck and put it towards what I owe. I'm going to be behind all month, but when we can get out advance on our financial aid, we can pay nearly all of it up in December. So it's just a matter of not freaking out about it and being clear on when I'll be able to have the money to the landlord.

I've been making myself draw more. It's mostly been just little headshot doodles, but it's better than nothing.

Terrance & Emily, Phoenix & Gwen, Samil, Tegan, Tegan

The other day, in the resource room, I had my sketchbook out because I was inking some of the headshots and I had two different people - a VCD student and a VCD instructor - compliment my work and ask if I was a Fine Arts or VCD student and then wonder why I wasn't (financial reasons, obviously). The instructor said I should definitely go for one of the two programs and that I had talent. So that's kind of been motivation and encouraging, at least. It's different when complete strangers comment positively on your artwork, I think. Regardless, it's making me re-think doing VCD and I might prod at Tom, the computer guy for VCD, and see just how big of a deal having a Mac is for someone who actually knows computers. Because I can get a Windows laptop with the exact same specifications that are required for the Macbooks for around $600 (and I would have to buy a new laptop regardless, as mine just isn't up to speed).

NaNoWriMo finished yesterday and, while, I didn't win, I'm happy with what I've started. I want to keep writing more of Tegan's Story because, well, it's not connected to anything else. It's all mine. I can do whatever I want with it. I can world build however I like and I can create something new and interesting (hopefully) and have it all be mine.

I love co-operative storytelling, I do. I've been doing it for years and years with friends and it's so much fun. But sometimes you just need a little something that's your own, you know? I don't mind input on stuff, either, but it's nice to not have to weigh in other people's character's into the equation. That can get really messy and confusing sometimes, which is what's going on with my other NaNo story, Team Free Will. It's definitely a fun challenge to get someone else's character right, though!

So, while I didn't win NaNo, I'm happy to have started on something I'm enjoying writing and want to continue writing!

I have a group project due on the 4th. I haven't even read my story for the essay I have to write. I'm just not sure exactly what I'm writing about and every time I read the assignment paper I blank out and I'm just ready for the semester to be over. Not because I've disliked my classes, but because I'm just ready for a month of no classwork and no discussion boards and no essays, really.

Now, here's some Instagram spam!

[ crossposted from dreamwidth ➙ you can also view it there ]

hobby: instagram, personal: job, hobby: writing, hobby: nanowrimo, personal: college, art

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