Then there is no mystery left...

Sep 15, 2012 15:03

Almost another month has passed, which it really doesn't seem like.

Work has finally leveled out. Rush is over at the bookstore, so I'm not there anymore. Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, I'm at the VCD Resource Room. Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, and Sunday, I'm in the Library. I may end up taking the three hours on Friday and shoving them in with Tuesday and Thursday. I'd be working until 11PM (I work until 9:30PM now), but then I'd have another day off. The downside is that the buses don't run home that late (heck, I can't catch Suburban to my house after 9:16PM anyhow!). But the Downtowner runs that late on Thursdays, so worst case scenario is I take a campus bus around to McGilvery and walk the few blocks from there.

Also, as you can see, I did get the library job! It's pretty easy, to be honest. Lots of shelving books and organizing stuff. The people I work with seem to be pretty cool and most of my time is spent my by lonesome, putting books away, and listening to music. It's quite nice, actually.

The VCD job is pretty easy, too. Now that I've finally conquered the Xerox printer. It'd been my nemesis for a few days there because it wasn't pulling the right size paper from the right tray and being a huge pain in the ass. Since then, I've figured out how to change the paper feed tray, so that's good. Now I don't look like a fool (as much) anymore.

Our money's a little tighter than we were hoping. We had to get the car fixed - something with the wheel which I can't remember right now for the life of me - and that put us out about $600. I'm thankful we had the money to get it fixed, but at the same time, that's more than a month of rent. Although, I ended up having a $600 paycheck, so that made up for it, I suppose.

Classes seem like they're going to be pretty light this semester. The Intro to Computer Systems class I picked up for fluff and an easy grade is almost ridiculously easy. Stuff like learning how to screencaps, learning how to use Google Docs and simple shit like that. It's stupid easy, but it'll be a nice A grade.

I ended up acquiring the College Writing II class I wanted originally. The one I had the first week and a half was reading stuff I wasn't all that interested in (Generation Me, The Narcissism Epidemic) after doing social justice bullshit in my Writing I class. The class I originally wanted, and the one I'm in now, is reading stuff like The Haunting of Hill House, The Woman in Black, and Little Stranger, and it's focusing on stuff like hauntings and haunted houses. I'm still playing a bit of catc-up with the first two weeks worth of work, but the instructor said that's okay and to focus on my first essay assignment first.

Speaking of first essay assignment. We have to write summaries for articles, which is probably the weirdest assignment I've had so far? It's giving me a lot of weird anxiety because it's something I've never had to do before and I'm not sure if I'm even thinking of the correct way to do it or what. I guess I'll just take a shot and hope I'm doing it correctly as I go. But our rough drafts are due Tuesday, so that should help focus me in the right direction.

I got my hair cut last week. Like, a legitimate cut. I actually went to the salon and got it done. They look A LOT nicer than when I tried to do them myself. The girl gave me a razor cut around the sides and back, so it's layered and a lot more of the pink shows out. It's definitely been weird to get used to, but I do like it! Plus, when my bangs grow out, I can do the side-swept ones.

before || after || after

Aaand, here's some Instagram spam!

Squeeji, Elliott, and I (Tony was sick) went to the Art Fair last weekend and met up with a local furry, so I took a bunch of pics.

Oh! I posted about it on Facebook, but I guess not here. I got a Nexus 7!

My reasons for this were multiple. I'd been eyeing the Kindle Fire's for awhile and other tablets and I had the fleeting thought of maybe getting one in the future when some dropped in price. I was in Gamestop mentioning this and the guy working mentioned the Nexus 7 and I ended up going home to do some research. After a lot of frowing at overseas knockoffs and really cheapy-but-shady tablets, I started seriously considering getting one new and one that's actually going to be reliable and that I won't have to put a bunch of work into to get it to work the way I want it to.

I'm also going to be on campus a lot over the winter. If I want to do homework (or anything involving a computer), I'd have to either lug my laptop along or use the campus computers. Having to pack up my laptop + charger + mouse and anything else I might need for the day is just a huge pain in the ass. Not to mention carrying that back and forth from home and campus, as well as between workplaces and such. A tablet would be infinitely lighter and I could still do a good portion of my classwork on it. I could also forgo buying textbooks and such, as I'd have an ereader, as well.

I almost bought one from the bookstore, but they were sold out. So I ended up getting it from Gamestop, so Tony could get points on his rewards card.

But I really love it! It's doing exactly the job I bought it for - I take it to work and do my homework on it when I work at VCD - plus I can draw on it (though I'm not very good and it's not as responsive as I would like) and everything. I wish it had a 3G plan, but it picks up wifi a lot better than my phone does and there's very few places anymore that don't have a wifi connection I can jump on.

Now, a bunch of dumb other things.

tumblr character roster
So I’d made this a few weeks ago and meant to share it and all, but I never got around to it. Basically, I wanted an easy way to go ‘hey, these are my dumb roleplay blogs on tumblr’ without having to link my big (and yet unfinished) page of characters I have overall.

It’s not really anything special, just tells what series the character’s from or set in, if they’re a canon or an original, and of course a picture. All the ask boxes are open on the individual blogs and I love asks!! :D

sitara and wesson by maybemantis || tegan deerfield by opossumsrubnoses

I've really been slacking in the adminning my boards front. But work/school does come first and until those balance, I don't even have the motivation to write for fun. It'll come back around, it always does, but for now, I'm not stressing over it too much.

fursuiting, trinkets, headpeople, school, adventure!, job: library, gpoy, photos, job, commissions, job:vcd, art

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