Drove to Chicago, all things know, all things know...

Jul 23, 2012 17:50

Goodness, the time stretches between each update. It's not that I don't enjoy updating my journal anymore, it's mostly that I tend to be either busy or caught up with other things. For some reason, sitting down to write up a long post feels like work most days, it's probably due to all the writing I've been doing for classwork.

School is going well. I got a B+ in my Writing I class! Pretty proud about that. It would've been an A, had I remembered to do a response paper. But that's my own fault. My Cultural Anthropology class is over at the end of this week. I've got a paper to write by Wednesday and an exam to take on Saturday, then it'll be done. I think I'm getting a C in it, but that's due to the fact that the instructor seems to be a difficult person more than anything. Not a lot that can be done about that, as it's not difficult enough to be hazardous, but difficult enough to be frustrating.

For Fall, I was going to take 2D Composition, but they now REQUIRE you to buy an iPad for the class. Why one needs an iPad for a simple 2D Comp class is beyond me, but I'm not about to shell out MORE money for what's already a $450/credit hour class. Instead, I'm taking Writing II and a fluff computer class online. I'm also trying to figure out what I want to declare as a major. VCD is out of the question, I can't afford a Macbook OR a laptop that meets the requirements at the moment (my laptop is probably two and a half years old now, I got it the summer after we moved to Kent, I believe). Fine Arts, well, I can't afford to take on campus classes until I get a steady job, at the very least. I'm thinking something computer related, as I have a lot of TECH and COMT classes already out of the way - and with good grades. I'd really like to do web design, but there doesn't seem to be anything specifically for that. So I'm going to have the schedule an appointment with an advisor and talk things over.

Speaking of work, I'm back at the bookstore! Early, even. They brought me in to help get textbooks set up, which is pretty awesome. I still wish they'd hire me in, but I totally understand that they have everyone they need so far. But the fact they keep bringing me back is awesome. We have a new manager, as well, and she seems pretty nice, though I haven't had much interaction with her thus far. I've mostly been left to my own devices stocking textbooks and keeping on top of new stock, as well as helping out Charlie with any projects (like hanging subject markers on the ceiling hangers~). I've been putting in applications on campus and jabbing at places like the library to see if I can get something steady for the Fall semester, since I have Work Study and would like to take advantage of it, but I haven't heard much from anyone so far.

Squeeji and Elliot moved in next door at the beginning of the month! So we officially have The Avengers Mansion. It's been pretty exciting. Elliot is going to be running a Changing Breeds game, too. Mostly, we've all been bumming around or taking walks or garbage picking (we have found some CHOICE furniture, let me tell you). It's been pretty cool.

We've pretty much given up the ghost when it comes to the cellphones. We called Karen before Anthrocon to see if she would give us an idea of what was going on, but she was just really avoidant and in a hurry to get off the phone. She said Al was out of state at a funeral and wouldn't be back for a week. Something weird is definitely going on there, but it's not our problem anymore. If he doesn't want to pay the bill, well, it's all on him because he took all of our information off the account and has absolutely refused to make any attempt to cooperate with us. Or even hear us out and understand that when he took Karen's phone off the plan they pro-rated her portion of the bill for that month. So it was her part of the bill plus the new normal bill amount. But he's not an awfully bright man and he thinks that everyone is out to get him, so whatever. No longer my issue.

My mom took Melanie, as well. We just didn't have time for her and she was kind of a hassle, unfortunately. We're just not cut out for taking care of something that requires that much attention. It's like a child and just...no. But Mel's really happy at my mom's and my mom loves her and Bud likes her and she gets a lot of socialization (which she wasn't getting with us) with the kids and people in and out of my mom's place all the time. She gets to go for car rides and she's basically my mom's shadow, so I'm glad that worked out.

The critters overall have been doing well. Jem's been really lovey. Finnick has gotten HUGE and still has a little pinhead. Snickers has been talking a lot lately. We're still pet-sitting Squeeji's geckos and hedgehog until they get things organized on their side of the house.

We also have a mouse somewhere upstairs that all the cats are aware of, but they haven't found yet. I discovered a stick of chocolate in a drawer had been nibbled on recently and realized that's what the cats had been so up in arms about. I think it lives either in the heating grate or has a way to get into the bathroom, because the cats ALWAYS want to stake out the place and we keep the bathroom door closed all the time.

I've been trying to draw more. I took some requests on FA a little while ago:

They were all done on sketchbook paper with markers and stuff, then cut out and backed with scrapbook paper~ There's also a half naked Sitara.

Now, here's a bunch of Instagram pics:

adventure!, photos, college, job, art

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