Anthrocon Recap + Lots of Pictures!

Jun 21, 2012 03:24

Anthrocon Recap!

You see I didn't make a bunch of updates throughout the con this year? I didn't even touch the Tigerden computers! A lot of socializing happened, which is why.

This was another year we almost didn't go. Which seems to be most every year. But Squeeji and Elliot had a room that other folks bailed on, so we decided to take the other bed and help out. They got into town on Wednesday (I think) and we were all sleep deprived for over twenty-four hours by the time we got the animals all organized (we're watching their ferrets, hedgehog, and geckos until they move in next door), got the car packed, and made sure everything was taken care of at the house. We dropped Melanie (the dog) off at my mom's in Warren, then made the drive to Pittsburgh.

Got into Pittsburgh in the late afternoon, wanted to die after dragging everything inside our room. We basically lazed around Wednesday and caught up on our sleep.

Thursday, we picked up our badges (first time pre-registering; not standing in the reg line for an hour or so was amazing) and wandered around trying to find people.

The vast majority of our weekend was spent bullshitting with friends, fursuiting (well, Tony and Squeeji were, at least), eating good food, and generally having an awesome time.

We hung out with/talked to/caught up with/said 'hello' to: Rax (we were laughing so hard in the hotel room that security was called on us), Jevin, Ryan, Kelson (holy crap, we hadn't seen each other in probably close to a decade??), Mantis (OMG NEW SUPERNATURAL BRO), Silver (and we actually attended the dance competition, because he made it to the finals!), Inaki and Chyaah (who we haven't seen in, like, six years!), Pathia, Skech, Arphalia, and Talyn. THERE'S PROBABLY OTHER PEOPLE I'M MISSING BECAUSE I'M A BUTT.

There was virtually ZERO drama, which was pretty awesome.

I did the Artist's Alley on Saturday, but only sat half the day (and got two badge commissions). I just was completely unprepared, really. I thought I'd have time to bum around before they did the standby call and I ended up registering and being handed a reciept book! It was a surprise, to say the least.

Every year I consider a dealer's table, though, and every year I end up being lazy about it or putting it off. Maybe next year, though.


We didn't buy a whole lot really, which was a surprise. I kind of felt like everything was way too spaced out and I didn't get the chance to peruse a much as I would have liked. But we commissioned Mantis for a few things (which will be glorious when one is completed) and Tony got me one of RedCoatCat's cameo badges (which I'll get mailed to me). We bought some prints and won a piece in the Art Show. I also bought a Mothman painting Kelson didn't sell in the Art Show from him later on.

We ate exceptionally cheap, too. Almost all our meals were from Hanlon's Cafe, next to Fernando's (which none of us really liked). Their fries are amazing, the have a lot of seating, and everything we ordered tasted awesome. We also ate at Pizza Parma a few times, which is to be expected, since it's open so late.

Overall, it was a great con! I'm quite happy to be home now, though, and to sleep in my huge bed and cuddle with my stupid cats.

And now, some art~

Cosplay Badges for Tony and I as Dean and Sam Winchester.

Badge commissions - Wheatley was for Squeeji.

I dyed my hair just prior to the convention, this is pretty much what it looked like.

Two commissions - one traditional, the other is going to be a flat colored digital.

Sitara and Wesson.

Sketches I did at the con.

We also went to the Pittsburgh Zoo after we checked out on Monday. I took a ton of pictures:

And, also, pictures from the convention:

The biggest downside is that I caught the con crud from somewhere. Likely just being around all sorts of people from all over the place more than anything, since I ate/slept/bathed normally while at the convention.

It's really the worst, having a cold in the middle of the summer.

fursuiting, convention: anthrocon, photos, art

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