A letter to my herbal teacher..didnt see it until I was walking the dog today

Feb 16, 2009 15:54

we went around the circle and said what we connected with and then I half joked and said I wanted to change my answer, well I have been thinking about that. Tea Tree / Melaleuca oils, tea, plant: I spent some time in Australia last winter (their summer) and was so happy to collect the leaves of the plant I use on every owie, sun burn, acne, and as shampoo, and toothpaste....I use Tea Tree more then any other plant.
Then the Oak tree is my very favorite tree... It always comes up in Body Talk, and in meditation. I was raised around them in California and played in fields covered in Oak trees as a child...And when I walk around I can sense I have an Oak Tree growing out of my shoulders.
I was thinking that though I love both those things dearly and connect with them on MANY MANY levels, I thought it was interesting I chose Ocia root...

As I was walking the dog today I was thinking about it, and I realized that I am not sure if its the Ocia root in general, but that I connect very much with roots in general.
I draw roots in most pictures I draw- adding roots to non-living things, I draw "naked trees" (bare trees, that look like root trees), I use actual roots as a medium when I make my shadow box's...
So I liked that exercise where we state what we connect to, because even though I just felt like I said whatever at the time because I didn't know what to say... Now its really had me realize some self inner thought that I have not been paying attention to, even though it rules my brain more then half the time. And I am shifting my answer slightly from Ocia Root to ROOTS, roots are my significant other.

And I really liked the meditation we did about our feet being rooted in the ground. As I said I add roots into my art, and I am actually working on a three set woodburning art project that is about roots... and I am including earth bugs (if you like bugs too- Life In the Undergrowth is the best DVD/educational bug documentary of all time) and roots of other plants, and soil/dirt/mud/rocks...
and I was even thinking of bones deep in the soil... so when we did your talked through meditation it just settled in so easily and visually for me, and just made me smile- especially when you added the bones part... and I like that you had the roots coming from our heels... because I generally visualize plants coming from something outside of me- but the day before class I was sketching up an art plan in my head to have the roots coming from my whole body...

Anyhow this is a long email that is basically acknowledging that I personally think that this class came to me in my life at the right time. And I think that you in particular are the right teacher. And I think Jenny/ Gary are the right people for the home/place of learning.

Thank you again for saying yes, and working out some payment plan for me. Being new here, not knowing anyone- or not feeling connected with anyone... I am happy that I have this class because I think it is the perfect way to become connected to at least Oregon and where it is I lye my head... and perhaps after I connect to the Corvallis around me on a more intimate level then I was allowing myself, everything else will just follow...

And whats even funnier, to me, is that I drink Lemon Balm often, and when you gave it to us- I couldn't figure out what it was... I thought it was maybe Oolong...ha... nothing more grounding then realizing such simple things as paying attention to what it is I put into my body...
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