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Dec 19, 2007 22:05

I realized yesterday that stories for yuletide were due today, not Thursday like I thought. So I stayed up way too late last night (which, in my weakened condition, meant about 10:30) hammering out a rough outline.

Worried about it all day (although today at work was certainly craptastic all on its own), ditched Hebrew class to finish and submit with two hours to spare.

So I should be happy, I guess, but for these few problems:

1. I still feel like shit. I was so bad off Monday that I had to call in sick and miss a whole day's pay, which we absolutely can NOT afford. Drove myself to and from work today even though I'm still feeling pretty weak and nearly got into a couple of accidents, one with a police car (thank God it was flashing lights on its way somewhere else or I'd have been in some real trouble.) Luckily, the kids weren't with me, because:

2. Sarah was sent home from school Tuesday with pink eye. No, seriously. And she's bitching about it like you wouldn't believe. So Hunter was also quarantined. He's the only one here not sick and so he is freely raising hell with little or no resistance.

3. Oh yeah, Eric caught what I have and (of course) it has hit him about 1,000,000x harder than I had it so he's been spending a lot of time embracing the toilet.

My life just keeps getting better and better. I actually woke up this morning and cried out, "Why am I still alive???" Then Eric told me to be quiet because both kids were in the bed, and to get up and get ready for work.

I have no social life, no money, and a job that is fucking crushing and eating my soul one hellish moment at a time. But hey, my Yuletide story's uploaded!

self-pity, self-loathing, my inferiority complex, sarah, yuletide, hunter

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