
Dec 12, 2007 22:16

Dude, if only I had an icon of Frasier Crane with the words "Oh dear God!" it would be hanging up right here. What a spectacularly shitty day I've had!

1. Sick. Sick as a filthy motherfucking dog.

2. Made some mistakes on a couple of cases at work. Big mistakes. Whoa big. Client angry. Very bad.

3. They're threatening to take our jobs away again if production's not increased. (But I just got a raise so they can't mean me, right? Right?)

4. And last but not least, I got to the preschool and the director took me aside for one of her "special chats." Apparently, Sarah complained that she was hungry because we didn't give her breakfast this morning. (Not true, by the way.)


work, my inferiority complex, personal, sarah, life's rich pageant

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