Self care

Jul 06, 2010 10:14

Things I am doing:

  • Putting more planning into what food I eat. Regularly sweating onion and garlic before adding to a pile of other stuff in my slow cooker.
  • Not having coffee after 2pm or 'normal' tea after 3pm.
  • Switching off my computer and going to bed with a book, in advance of bedtime.
  • Cleaning my teeth more often.
  • Showering after sports every time, and sometimes showering after I've had a heavy cleaning session even if I've already showered that day.
  • Preparing to have a spot of personal training again.
  • Thinking about my thought processes around a particular person who makes my blood boil.
  • Stopping talking about them to certain people who will encourage me in the blood boiling thing.
  • Using the phrase 'I'm not comfortable talking about that' or similar, sometimes using a 'stop' gesture with my hand to accompany it if the person doesn't stop.
  • Having a plan about suddenly taking time out when I'm in company, even if that is when I'm in the company of a family I am regularly with.
  • Only socialising in places I'm familiar with for the timebeing.

What self care things are you doing? New or old.

diet, mental health, sleep

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