Thanks to the organisers and all the volunteers (including me!) Everything ran smoothly from my perspective. The bad stuff was a lack of (booked) disabled assistance at Euston station, despite us being there on time. V and I had to rush for our train without assistance, which made me feel really stressed and knackered for the first part of BiCon. The disabled assistance on the way back was really smooth though - so smooth that I want to say thank you for it! Of course, the assistance wasn't for me, but as the Beast of Burden it affects me muchly.
This year I spent more quality time with fewer people, and thus didn't get to chat to as many people as last year. I did try to make special effort to make newbies and visibly shy people welcome though.
I went to a handful of workshops. Mostly activisty ones, but also the totally excellent Genitalia Show & Tell. I was shy at my own Shy Social! Lol. Next year I hope to run a session called Overcoming Shyness. Go me. Rah.
I had a good cameraphone, but I didn't use it a single time. I dislike being behind a camera when trying to experience things; I believe one misses so much. Apart from the group photo, I think only
pilot_moondog took my photo. Ho hum! I looked absolutely gorgeous with my ultra bleached hair. I had *many* compliments, and *many* head-strokes.
Dancing! I danced every night. It was bloody great. The DJs played One Step Beyond by Madness twice, and I did some proper crazy ska stompy dancing. Very energetic, very fun, and I got quite a few compliments for that. I danced with people; fun dancing and sexy dancing. One slow dance I did with [person] was less dancing and more light petting!
Kissing and more. One three-way kiss with two lovely people. Not just taking turns kissing each other, but all three mouths moving together! Fantastic. Quite a few pecks on the lips from quite a few people, and some snogs with very sexy people too. No wonder I had a smug face on the train ride home!
I was pleased with my food plan and body image plan.
Three meals a day and nothing in between... mostly stuck to that. The body image plan was to tell people that I didn't want to talk about the weight that I've lost (it makes me self-consicous when it's happening in a busy social environment). Luckily, most people told me that I look good, which was easy to deal with. I had to deal with someone who wanted to explain that they were being complimentary when they mentioned the state of my body by just storming off after I'd boundaried them. I knew that was going to happen, and I was prepared for it. Yes, I'm touchy about this, but I was trying to avoid a binge.
I had breakfast with
bethanthepurple a couple of times, and was very glad that we were able to share a flat together. Bethan is so precious :D I'm not going to mention by name/LJ all the people I enjoyed spending time with because I don't want to forget any of you!
I did a fair bit of networking. I am enthused by the work that
bisexual butterfly and
bisexual index are doing. I also promoted
bi coffee london and asked for help with it/volunteers. Watch this space! I'm also trying to join with other people to get new sorts of people involved in the bi scene, and more of a turnover of volunteers. This will be a slow process. I am sure that other people have tried to do this in the past, I don't think I'm super-special for trying to to it myself. I do think I'm super-special in general though!
Some other stuff is on the sex filter. Ask if you want adding to that, I add most people. Comments screened on this entry because of this.