Blabbering on because my wrists are letting me

Mar 13, 2009 10:24

Good morning/afternoon/evening/night LJ peeps!

I feel good today. Still recovering from a cold though. Pancakes for breakfast are most certainly a pick-me-up. Particularly Nye-made pancakes. I like my cooking. Ooh, and I finally got round to replacing my smashed cafetière, so there is lovely bitter black coffee.

I'm a soppy b*stard. I have so much love in me, and often wish to express this. I like this about me. Other people have different styles to me and sometimes I try to avoid rubbing mushiness in their face. To that end: there is someone I care about a lot (in a non-romantic/non-sexual way), and I have managed to avoid telling them. I don't think they want to hear it; I think their language of love is action not words. So person: I really care about you. I love everyone anyway, have felt like that since someone did a very nasty violent thing to me.

Am I too young/healthy to plan my funeral? I'm thinking of finding a green funeral plan and setting one up. Plus writing a will. I have few assets, but (apart from a small amount of student loan) I'm not in debt. Death can happen any time. I really don't want to be embalmed. I want to feed the earth. I think I'd like to be buried as locally as possible to minimise polluting with private transport. A woodland burial sounds good, but I think that'd be bad in terms of transport costs. The idea of planning my funeral sounds fun. Like Desert Island Discs! Yay death! Sorry, I'm being a tw*t.

On Sunday I'm going to be leading a walk from my slimming group. We're going to have a little stroll around Hampstead Heath using the trail map. The route I've chosen is quite short: 1.5 miles. However, some of us have worse mobility/fitness than others, and I wanted it to be open for as many of us as possible. I hope to be going to The Pembury on Sunday evening.

Today and tomorrow I'm going to rest and recuperate, maybe do a small amount of housework. Rock n roll.

What are you doing this weekend?

love, walking, death

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