LJ is my therapist

Nov 05, 2008 13:42

Oh f*** this sh**.

With uncertain amounts of waiting, these are the things I need to do over the next few working days:

  1. Phone GP and do something like request replacement prescription for non-branded T plus appointment with nurse
  2. Pick up prescription, take to chemist. Chemist will have to order it as they don't keep it in stock. No flipping idea when I'll get the T until I've spoken to the chemist.
  3. See the nurse; usually they need at least a week in advance to book an appointment. Will I need to book an appointment after this week's aborted one?

Ok, that's not too many things really, but it's the flipping uncertainty wrt timing that I just can't stand. I have a really really strong urge to binge on food. Chocolate and other stuff. Diet-wise, I can afford to; it's just not exactly going to help me. I hate uncertainty.

I suppose this much is certain: I will have a T-shot within a fortnight. It doesn't really have to be done nownownow, the worst thing that'll happen is I'll get my period. I feel like utter pants though.

Send actual chocolate not virtual hugs! Actually, send exotic fruit or low-fat soup instead. Bah.


Phoned GP surgery. The fax is FAO my GP, who isn't in until tomorrow. I'm to phone back tomorrow and then see what I need to do. I'm going to nip to Waitrose and buy diet-friendly comfort food. I probably haven't eaten enough today, will eat more. It's all in hand, *calm*.

t, lj, ed, overeating, anxiety

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