Is this real? Am I dreaming?

May 11, 2015 19:20

A year and a half. It has been nearly a year and a half. It has taken that long to get livejournal to let me back in. Why my password got hosed, I have no idea and why I didn't receive the emails to recover that password, totally escapes comprehension.

But I am back now so I am not going to tempt fate by thinking too hard about it.

I wonder if anyone remembers me?

Not much has happened in that year plus, except for very recently. In the last few months, my life has taken a massive turn. How so? Well, I am moving back into NYC at the end of this month. Yep, I'm moving in with Mom into her condo on the upper West side. This entails leaving my job (which I did on May 2nd, after 4 years of indentured servitude), hunting a new job (haven't even started that yet), and packing up all my shit *O.O*. Let the total panic begin!

So that's it for now. I can't think of anything else. I'm still boggled that I got in here at all. If you don't hear from me again, send out the Space Marines.
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