(no subject)

Feb 17, 2014 11:59

Okay, so I'm not doing so great at the more frequent posting. Honestly, I'm not surprised. Procrastination is one of my major failings. LOL.

So... the funeral leave thing is at the 'filing an official grievance' stage. My union rep got them to pay me the hours at straight pay but I won't accept that. I am fed up with the pettiness and disrespect so I'm demanding my full due. Against my rep's advice, mind you. He flat out told me I should take what they give me because he doesn't think I should even get that much. Yeah, he's a schill for the company. Luckily, his boss says otherwise and told him to have me file a grievance. Yes, I contacted his boss. That's actually the proper procedure here. I'll be contacting him again to report the rep's improper attitude as well. But first I have to write out the grievance itself. I need to be concise but detailed in the contract language and my interpretation of it. I need a good definition of parent too.

My car is currently stranded in its parking space. I spent 2 hours digging it out of a foot plus of snow and ice, only to find out that it's sitting on a sheet of ice. I can't even try rocking the car out; its nose to a snowbank. I have to hope for the ice to melt and free my car. It's in the teens/low 20's again today, btw. Frustrating! And I have chores to run too.

One chore is to get to the Verizon store. My cell's mic stopped working so, while I can hear fine, no one can hear me. I'm reduced to relying on my old bluetooth device. I have insurance and have been sent a replacement phone but they didn't have the sim card in stock so I must take the whole kit and caboodle to the store for a card and have the new phone activated. It's a newer model too so I am chomping at the bit to play with it!

Ain't that just my luck lately?

We're still tossing the idea of my moving in with my mother around. The single major hang-up is that nothing has been accomplished in relation to her husband's will so the status of the condo shares is still up in the air. There is still a possibility that Mom might have to sell this condo to pay the asshole nephews a quarter share. If she does, will she go for a smaller 2 bedroom or just a single for herself? There's just too many questiins to make any decisions now. Me, I starting to lean towards moving. The positives now pretty much outweigh the negatives.

Oh dear ghod! I have to start cleaning up and clearing out the crap in my apartment! Move or not, it's out of control. I'm considering using a flame-thrower. LOL!
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