(no subject)

Jan 30, 2014 18:22

It's about time I try getting off my ass, or more accurately out of my pit of apathy and depression. I will count this as my first step.

As you've probably figured by the above, things have been unhappy here. Not unhealthily so, but enough to cause a relapse into hermit-dom. I've been reading alot when not at work. (Currently addicted again on Patricia Briggs' Mercy Thompson and Alpha&Omega books. Love Bran to pieces and Warren and Kyle are a very close second!) That and sleeping. It's been cold as hell so there's been no impetus to get out and about. What the hell is with this deep freeze? I like winter just fine but... dayum!

It's been 2 months since my mother's husband passed away and things are far from settled for Mom. Seems his family, his sister and her 2 sons, have forgotten my mother exists. They have not even called her. Worse, the one nephew is the executor and as it stands, he hasn't even filed probate. I am convinced they're trying to screw my mother over but luckily, my mother is no slouch. With the help of her brother, who's been researching NY estate laws for her, she is armed with info and her own lawyer. Go Mom!

The biggest concern is keeping the condo. The sister gets a quarter share (half of his half) so unless the nephews cause trouble, my mom will have to buy her out. Troublesome but do-able. Fingers crossed they don't force her to have to sell.

Especially when there's the possibility of my moving in with her, into the 2nd bedroom. We've been tossing the idea around and it seems the pros are beginning to outweigh the cons. Payroll's been cut at work so making the bills and rent are problematic. Paying the condo upkeep on her own would be tight, tho possible, for Mom. And, not that I'll tell her, but I'm starting to worry about Mom being by herself at her age. She's not *old* but she's taken a couple of falls from tripping over things. With no one close by keeping in contact, even a simple break could become a bad thing. And we'd both be able to get a cat again, something we both miss terribly.

The main cons right now are my fear that the nephews will take offense. since they seem to think they're running the show (more fool them). Also, my battered remnant of pride that can't help but think it means I've failed. Stupid pride.

One last thing. I am still fighting with my employer to get them to pay me a single Sunday's berievement pay. I am in a union and I have my contract. They are trying to twist the the language to get out of paying but I intend to force them to comply. If not for me then for all my friends and coworkers who have step-parents that they consider the real thing. There's also the problem that Sunday's are separate from the regular work week because you get paid extra when you work them but the contract has language I read as negating that. Why specify 'full hours scheduled at normal rate of pay for those hours otherwise? I honestly have nothing to lose so I'm taking this as far as I have to. Wish me luck!

And that's enough rambling/venting. If I don't get back on here in a week, get out the big stick and smack me upside the head, okay? Thanks.
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