Sadness and a bit of fear

Dec 18, 2013 12:05

I don't know if anyone from the Strikebase Moriarty days still even has an account here or reads my posts but we lost a very good friend this morning. Gerald passed away sometime overnight. Everything is still in the chaotic stage so I suppose it'll be a while before we know what happened or what comes next.

I've known Gerald for 30+ years. He and his brother and household have been there for me and it was they who pulled me up from my self-imposed hermitage. This is just so unfair.

I'm also kind of scared. They say Death comes in 3's and this makes 2. With my grandfather still on shaky ground (2strokes now, blood clots and a newly discovered &repaired cervical fracture.. And my mother travelling to Virginia to be with her family... *shudder*
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