Swan Song..

May 15, 2010 16:00

Supernatural... This is definitely end of an ERA!

In the last 5 years I have been religiously following Supernatural and the boys. And what I experienced last night I never thought I would. I was crying from the first 5 minutes until the screen blanked out.

Zoe and I have a habit of watching Supernatural. Friday night is our date night. She gets up early in Australia, I wait for her in London and we set our time together and sit down to watch Supernatural and Midnight GMT. It's been going on for approximately two years, and never thought watching it with someone means this much. But it does. Last year we had the luck to watch the finale in the same country, in the same city, and actually in the same room, grabbing each other hands.

This year we were apart. I feel this is our Sam and Dean moment... They came so far... the whole Universe weight was on their shoulder, but family and love fights it all. I literally started to cry when I saw how they carved their name into the car. The car that became their home, their only shelter, and the united connection between the boys. The Metallicar is such an AWESOME symbol of love and as Chuck said the most important object.

I loved and hated the finale. I couldn't put my finger on it, what I disliked, but SAM! omg... I loved Sam! Jared did an awesome fucking job with this episode! Jensen as well... God they play the broken brother who are in love so WELL!!!

Anyway, I'm not gonna rant, my head and heart is still full. We came to a full circle, and I raise my hat for Kripke/Chuck/God, because we all know it's him.
I could go on and try to put my thoughts into words, but there are SO many people out there saying smarter things than I do, so I will leave the speech to them :)

I love you all, and I couldn't be happier to have an awesome f-list as you guys. Can't wait to meet Jared at JIB and thank him... for the people the show gave me.

On another note. I closed the download. Please don't email asking for the poster anymore. It was for limited time only, and already more than 65 people downloaded it. Thank you for the great response :)

Supernatural, the epic love story of Sam and Dean.

p.s. posting with one of the FIRST icons I made for Supernatural. It's been a LONG LONG road...


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