Apr 15, 2010 21:56

Should I announce why we gathered here? I suppose not as everybody knowS!

First I would like to thank EVERYONE! EVERY living SOUL on my f-list who stuck with me this far.
I remember I was obsessed with Smallville in S4 and Jensen was playing there. I heard the buzz that he will be playing in another show with another guy who is really hot. I was like let's give it a try. I watched it even before it aired, and I wanted more.
When the first season started... I watched week by week... until Hookman. I got creeped out by the first single shot of the hook at the beginning of the episode and the sound that I shut down my media player, and I haven't opened it for a couple of month.
To be honest I caught up with SPN after the first season ended at the end of the summer and it was only one week for Season 2 to start.

Since then, I'm watching religiously. I made art, more than 1000 icons, more than 500 animated icons, 50 wallpapers, 60 headers.
I gathered more friends than I hoped I would ever get, and I know you don't see but I have more than 700 of you following me here.

This , guys... means so much to me to know we are a family we are here, and we came here for a reason.
And that reason was SUPERNATURAL!

When I wanted to talk to the boys, I always wanted to tell them only one thing (beside the obvious,you are so damn hot) that I'm thankful for the Show, to THEM, that I met with my best friends and people I wouldn't trade for anything.

Thank you.

And now...

This might not be a BIG surprise, however this is something I have been sitting on for a year now.
Some of you remember, that I went to Asylum 3 with a custom made Poster. Both Jared and Jensen stared at it and was stunned (hopefully not creeped) by it.
I asked them to sign it for me.

Now, I know I said I wouldn't but I would like to share this with you. (the digital version)
Here is the poster I did, please click on this image to have a bigger version if you would like.

"Together we stand
Divided we fall"

If, you would like to print it like I did (A2 size) and use it as a poster, NOW IS THE TIME, you can! (It's a bit darker on this JPG as it has CYMK colours so it would look good in print :))
Please send me an email to nyaubaby @ livejournal . com OR send me a Direct Message, and I will send you the link where you can download it. It's 48Mb. :)
I'm doing like this because I would like to see who would want the big Poster, not because it's my baby and nonnonono, lol. - Sorry folks the big poster is not available for download anymore. There are more than 65 lucky people who got it, I'm glad you guys will enjoy having it. Please do not distribute to poster to anyone else. Thank you!

• Please do not sell it as your own work!
• Please don't send the link to other people!
• Please don't edit it in ANY form!
• If you have problems COME back to me!
• If you show to someone please credit me.

That should be all now, who wants a poster on their wall?! :D

Enjoy you guys!

surprise, supernatural, f-list the awesomest, jared, jensen

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