(no subject)

Dec 11, 2007 23:10

Ten things you wish you could say to 10 different people right now (don't list names):
1. You're not ill, you're a fucking hypochondriac with a mental mother.
3. Why haven't you called? It's been weeks and you've made no effort to contact me. Don't you care?
4. I don't appreciate you enough. You're clingly, but you're a good friend.
6. I'm glad we've gotten closer recently, but I'm just waiting for the fall back down to earth. It's gonna hurt, isn't it?
7. I can't do this coursework! Why do you have to set me work I can't do? Stupid A levels.
8. What am I meant to get your for Xmas, you tit?
9. You're really, really hot.
10. Why the fuck did you do this to me? You caused this, even if you can't see it.

Nine things about yourself:
1. I have a freckle on my bottom lip that I adore.
2. My hair needs cutting.
3. I painted my nails red for Christmas.
4. I'm going to change them soon, to red and a green nail varnish I got in a Barry M goodie bag on Monday.
5. Christmas is my favourite time of year.
6. My dogs are the loves of my life.
7. I panic over the smallest of things. I still feel anxiety when I think of something from when I was like, 10, that really doesn't matter. But I can't let things go, not if I cause it.
8. DVDs, TV and books are my medicine.
9. There are things that no one in this world knows about me, and it terrifies me.

Eight ways to win your heart:
1. Make me laugh. You get me gigglying and you're in.
2. Be sweet.
3. Be unique in your approach. Or at least make sure I haven't seen the film you steal it from.
4. Don't be embarrassed of me in public. Don't do the guy thing by acting like an arse in front of your mates.
5. Tell me you love me.
6. Have passion, not only for me but for life.
7. Be hopeful.
8. Understand me. Without having to ask me, just get me. If you ask how I am and I say fine, don't be a guy and accept it. With girls, FINE NEVER MEANS FINE. IT MEANS FUCKED OFF.

Seven things that cross your mind a lot:
1. Who would miss me?
3. I'm so lucky.
4. I'm so unlucky.
5. Fuck me sideways.
6. Would you Adam and Eve it?
7. Thank you for this, guys.

Six things you wish you never did:
1. Turned down that with him.
2. Let him use my phone.
3. Stopped dieting. I want my motivation back.
4. Eaten so much as a child. My life would be so different.
5. Lose my hope and faith in the world.
6. Eaten that last Jaffa Cake.

Five turn offs in a guy/girl:
1. No sense of humour.
2. Making fun of me in front of their mates. That's not humour, that's immaturity.
3. Facial hair, unless it's stuble.
4. Obvious piercings or tattoos.
5. Closed off emotionally.

Four turn ons in a guy/girl:
1. Eyes.
2. Arms.
3. Back.
4. Sense of humour.

Three smiley's that describe your life:
1. :'(
2. XD
3. :/

Two things you want before you die:
2. To fall madly in love. The kind of love you never forget, and measure every future boyfriend up against. The one that you think of when you daydream, and you crave when you're down. True love.
1. Make a difference in someone's life.

One Confession:
I don't like raspberries that much, but they cost you 5 quid. Oops.


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