(no subject)

Dec 11, 2007 22:27

I've had a busy few days. Monday I went up to Birmingham to the Clothes Show. And OMG.

The male models from the fashion show were literally, without exaggeration, the most perfect set of specimen I have ever seen in my entire life. They were seriously, seriously, PERFECTION. And they spent most of the time topless. It was a good day.
And I brought some vintage earrings for myself :) And we saw Ziggy from Big Brother LOL and Shayne Ward was a special guest performer. My friend Rosie who I went with is in love with him, so it brought the lols. Overall we spent 6 hours on a coach. DFIWRBGOWBR.

I've sent all the Christmas cards! I'm really happy I actually did it before the date went past when it would get to people in the USA and Canada before Christmas. SO YAY. It cost a bit due to the weight [you'll see :)] but you're worth it.

Me and my Mum had some fondue, with melted chocolate and dipping marshmellows, strawberries and raspberries. We've now found out that raspberries and chocolate don't mix, but strawberries and chocolate is HEAVEN.

We got our Xmas decorations out of the loft! It was a bit of a mission, but we did it, and now we just have to get a tree an Christmas this mother fucking house. HEEL YAR.

I have so much FLIST to catch up on it's mental. MENTAL I TELL YOU. Anything exciting happened?

hot, yummy, friends, yay, lol

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