Jan 31, 2011 00:24
Okay. Two weeks I've been doing nothing. I sit up to eat food. I walk to the kitchen to get snacks, drinks and the bathroom to pee (8000 times a day). I drive Eli to daycare in the morning, and pick him up in the afternoon, but I don't walk him to his class anymore because that has become torturously painful. Other than that I lay on the couch all day and evening. My back is sore, my hips ache.
I go to the doctor tomorrow at 11:30. I'm not sure what the outcome of that appointment will be and I honestly don't even know what I WANT it to be. I don't want to lie around doing nothing, I don't want to have further progression of my pre-term labor, I don't really want to take medicine that will make me miserable but stop my contractions. The only good news would be that there is no progression... but then they will probably recommend I keep up my laying around doing nothing. And since who wants to knowingly do something that MIGHT cause them to progress into full labor at 26 weeks, I'll do it. The research is inconclusive about if it really helps, but then that's a gamble who would want to take?
I guess the only thing I hope I get out of the appointment is that my OB thinks I need another U/S so I can make SURE this is a girl so I can give away Eli's old clothes! A thrift store opened at the other end of my street! Too exciting!