some sort of epic grandeur

May 21, 2011 21:51

I went out and was quite productive this afternoon. (Disclaimer: this is what I always say, but it's total crap. I'm never productive on weekends.)

Then I came home and lounged on my patio for hours, eating mini pizzas (so many mini pizzas) and reading The Sun Also Rises and Arrival City.

Arrival City is fascinating, and while I'm far from finishing it, I'd highly recommend it if you're at all interested in migration. (By fascinating I mean that I've suddenly been overcome by the urge to study Urban Planning -- seriously, I just googled schools that offer graduate degrees in Urban planning. Because that's clearly a good idea. I haven't even paid off my loans from the first go round.)

The Sun Also Rises is--- yeah. Hemingway: still an asshole after all these years. Admittedly it's a good book, and yes, his spare style of writing is intriguing, but-- never going to be my cup of tea, Hemingway. Generally I used it as an excuse to read a bunch of articles on the Lost Generation.

Apparently the world was/is due to end sometime today* - not so much, so far. I suppose we can't count it out completely as the day isn't nearly over for Hawaii. If you've been raptured let me know (communicate across the spiritual planes, my friends! Heaven has free minutes?). At any rate, here's to hoping the world doesn't end any time soon, as I'm rather fond of it.

*Look, I'm sorry, I've just never been able to believe that the god I've been taught about my whole life is after letting people burn in hell because they're gay, or went to the wrong church, or said "shit" too often in their life -- which seems to be what these May 21-ers are saying.

school's out for summer, my life is a prank i just can't prove it, books

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