see this is why

Jul 27, 2009 15:41

Media fans needs to be bitchslapped. Frequently.

I found this interesting post. From a writer. This is what happens when dumbass fans don't understand that what they see on the TV is not real and people who threaten REAL people over the deaths of FAKE people are fucktards who need to be, you guessed it, bitchslapped repeatedly.

And this is also why writers are increasingly wary about meeting with their fans in public.

Writers are not responsible if you've latched onto their work because of your psychological need to have a television friend. Writes are not responsible for your psychic well being. Writers are not your emotional nannies.

If your life is RUINED FOREVER because of a goddamned TV show, guess what? It's not the TV show's fault!


Get a life. No, seriously. In fact, take two; they're short.

fail, you suck, fandom

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