A meme!

Nov 12, 2011 21:25

My evening programming was interrupted because the app broke in a way that requires a certain fellow in the next state over to fix.  Amazingly, he responded to my email, despite this being Saturday night, but he said it might not be fixed before tomorrow morning.  So I'm not going to get everything I'd hoped to done tonight, but I do unexpectedly have free time!!

First order of business:  a meme I got from earlgreytea.

1. Open up your music player. Hit shuffle.
2. Record the first few lines of the first thirty songs that come up that do not give away the name of the song. Skip instrumentals, but don't skip the embarrassing ones.
3. Make hapless LJ denizens guess the song names and artists.  Google is cheating. For musical songs, the name of the musical is acceptable in place of the artist.
4. Least hapless LJ denizen wins admiration. That's right, just like a lobbyist in budget season, the points don't matter.

1.  When you're down, and troubled,
And you need some loving care,
And nothing, nothing is going right ...

2. I've got a lovesick tale to tell to you
Though it ain't no fail of mine
It's about a gal named sue
And a boy named lou
They were fightin' all the time

3.  When the storm clouds are riding through a winter sky
Sail away, sail away
When the lovelight is fading in your sweetheart's eye
Sail away, sail away
When you feel your song
is orchestrated wrong
Why should you prolong your stay?

4.  Late last night they started talking
Working on a  wrong turn remedy

5.  I got sixteen days
One for every time I've gone away
One for every time I should have stayed
You shoulda worn my wedding ring.

6.  Some day he'll come along
the man I love
and he'll be big and strong
the man I love
And when he comes my way
I'll do my best to make him stay

7.  Seems like after all we've been through
we would have learned by now
Never to fight about who gets the last word
It doesn't matter anyhow.

8.  It’s a lonely picture
Of an empty glass
It’s a still life study
Of a drunken ass
And he howls at the moon
Hoping the sun don’t come up too fast

9.  Living...
To get his freak on.
His leopard-skin thong,

10.  One, two,
One two three four,
Six fingered man,
Playing his seven-string guitar
There are seven deadly sins
Any one of them will do you in

11.  *background voices, laughing*
We have no future, we have no past,
We're just drifting ghosts of glass,
Brown sugar, ice in our veins,
No pressure, no pain.

12.  If I ever write this letter
The pages I could write
But I don't know where to send it
You have vanished
Heaven knows where you live
Heaven only knows

13.  If If had a car crash
I wanna have it with you
And when I meet my maker
I want you to be there, too.
I couldn't do it without you.

14.  The day is my enemy
The night my friend,
For I'm always so alone
'til the day draws to an end.

15.  Mother, Father, I'm here in the zoo
I can't come home 'cause I've grown up too soon
I got my sentence
I got my command
They said they'd make me major if I met all their demands

16.  Well I had a little fever
To have a big night
And I woke up feeling small and not so brave and not quite right,
I had to face the who am I and where is she what did I do
First of all I had to face the big light

17. What then is love but mourning,
What desire but a selfburning,
Till she that hates doth love return,
Thus will I mourn,
Thus will I sing,
Come away, come away my darling.

18.  I have been out wandering
I have traveled far
One conclusion I have made
Is God don't own a car.

19.  Don't want my mammy,
I don't need a friend
My heart is broken,
it won't ever mend
I ain't much caring
Just where I will end,
I must have that man.

20.Well, I was thinking that I shoulda
but I didn't ever leave you
But baby, I'm leaving tonight,
And there's a trucker drinking coffee
In the station, who can give me a ride.

21.  When Laura smiles
Her sight revives both night and day
The earth and heav'n views with delight
Her wanton play.

22.  London Pride has been handed down to us.
London Pride is a flower that's free.
London Pride means our own dear town to us,
And our pride it for ever will be.

23.  Nobody stands
In between me and my man
It's me and Mr. Jones
(Me and Mr. Jones)

24.  Spend my life looking for
Happiness, like it was buried treasure
Somewhere behind the secret door
Surely there were riches beyond measure

25. Mrs. Jones is seventeen
And six, and twenty four,
Moderately pretty
She is all the girls you know

26.  I know too well that I'm
Just wasting precious time
In thinking such a thing could be
That you could ever care for me

27.  Get out of town,
Before it's too late, my love;
Get out of town,
Be good to me, please;
Why wish me harm,
Why not retire to a farm,
And be contented to charm
The birds off the trees?

28.  At the shopping mall
I'm surrounded by a parking lot
Walking down the aisle
I was thinking about what I had lost

29. I'm the living result
Of a man who's been hurt a little too much
And I've tasted the bitterness of my own tears
Sadness is all my lonely heart can feel

30.  What is your destiny the policewoman said,
(20% amnesia!)
The word that she wanted was destination I'm afraid,
(20% amnesia!)
This is your future boy, this is your fate,
(20% amnesia!)
You're obsolete and they can't afford to educate you. 
(20% amnesia!)

meme, music

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