[Sequel] I Just Want You To Love Me

Jul 13, 2011 21:37

「Title」: I Just Want You To Love Me
「Characters」: Ohno, Nino
「Genre」: General, Slight Fluff
「Warning」: Angst
「Rating」: PG
「Word Count」: 1,591
「Synopsis」: Ohno tried to stay busy to keep his mind off of Nino. After being confronted by him, he decided to confess his true feelings. Sequel to "Did It All Mean Nothing To You?"
「Author’s Notes」: ... Didn't think I would write more to this thing xD Thanks to the encouragement from a few people, I wrote this. Kinda short-ish, sorry. Hope it suffices. Stupid work making me busy and taking this long to write it...

TL;DR: Thanks guys! Again, this is fiction! No bricking me if this isn't good xD And no more bricking Nino, he's starting to bruise xD

Disclaimer: Don't own, don't sue

Ohno moved underneath his sheets and he could feel the aches all over his body. He knew he had been pushing himself way too hard again, but it was a good distraction for him; the more he concentrated on his work, the more he didn't think about what was really going on.

Although, when he got out of bed, it was then that he felt the damage he had done to himself. Too much rehearsing had made his right knee sore again. Over the course of a few years, he was able to strengthen it back... but in a matter of days, he had hurt it again. He wasn't going to let that stop him; they all had a rehearsal that day and he was determined to get there early to try to regain the strength back in his knee before any of the other members noticed. Quickly, he got himself ready for the day and grabbed his duffel bag on the way out the door.

Ohno opened the door to the rehearsal studio and was glad that he was early enough for it to be empty. He dropped his duffel bag to the side haphazardly before bending down to fix his knee brace one more time to make sure it was secure. He walked to the center of the floor and stared at his reflection in the mirror. The dark circles showed even more in the bright artificial light, calling out his lack of sleep, but he didn't care. He set down the boom box in front of the huge mirror and pressed play. The familiar music resounded in the quiet studio and the leader focused on the choreographed dance moves in his mind. A straight expression was planted the entire time as he practiced.

That is, until he heard a small snap in his knee. He stopped and winced at the sharp but quick pain. He paced around the floor to walk it off like he normally did. But when he faced the mirror where the boom box was, he saw an all too familiar face. It was Nino, who had walked over to turn the noisy unit off.

"What are you doing here so early?" Nino asked, wondering what was going on. "You, of all people, don't need this much time to practice."

Nino knew all too well that Ohno was usually the one who could perfect the dance moves faster than some of the other members. Ohno walked around some more, placing his hands on his hips as if he didn't hear him.

"What's the matter? You haven't needed your brace for a long time," Nino mentioned, noticing the black brace around the other man's knee. He had rolled up his pant leg earlier so it was showing completely. Ohno bent down to roll the pant leg down over it as if hiding it wouldn't cause suspicion after the fact.

"It's been acting up again, that's all," Ohno replied nonchalantly. Nino didn't know what was going on but the normally quiet leader was even more quiet and distant than ever.

"How come you didn't answer my calls?" Nino finally brought up, referring to the past few nights when he didn't get any kind of response from the other man.

"I've been busy during my free time," Ohno replied.

"Yeah, well so have I, but I at least have the decency to call," Nino said annoyed, crossing his arms.

"Don't start with me please," Ohno said, finally sitting down on the floor with his legs straight ahead of him. He needed to give his knee a rest and since Nino decided to play 20 questions, he knew he wasn't going to be practicing anymore.

"What the hell?" Nino finally said, frustrated. "What's going on?" He moved from his position towards the mirror over to where the other man was sitting and planted himself next to him.

"It's nothing," Ohno said softly, not sure if he was ready to talk about it. He normally didn't want to make a huge deal about anything, even if it did involve his own feelings.

"It's obviously something if you are avoiding me like I'm some kind of disease," Nino said, knowing something was going on. Ohno looked at him briefly before looking back at the shiny floor. The leader's heart pounded quickly, nervous that Nino was confronting him. He knew Nino, he wouldn't back down until it was settled. Ohno knew he had to face him, tell him something that he should have already known in the first place.

"I just... thought we always had an understanding," Ohno said quietly, almost afraid to even speak.

"What do you mean?" the other man asked, confused as to what he was referring to.

"I understand about lying to the media," Ohno mentioned. "But there's a difference between acting and the truth."

"What are you talking about?" Nino asked, even more confused now. The older man raised his head to look him.

"How long are you planning to keep this up? This new.. girlfriend?" Ohno asked boldly. He was shaking at even asking, but he had to know how much longer this was going to keep up; the many girlfriends, then the break up, then a new one comes along... how much more was he going to lie to the media with the charade and keep breaking Ohno's heart?

"Oh that," Nino finally understood. "I do like her, but I don't know. She's been acting weird lately. Almost as weird as you have been." Ohno knew he was trying to joke but he was focused on how he was still talking about this woman.

"Are you saying... that you really care about these women? That... you aren't faking?" Ohno asked, slowly finding out that maybe Nino really had no idea. How could he not know?

"Well, yeah... why would I be faking?" Nino asked, not sure where Ohno was going with this.

"Because you're with me," Ohno stated the obvious.

"Yeah, but we're close friends," Nino said, not following.

"Why do we do the things that we do? The hugs, the kisses... Was it all fan service to you?" the older man asked, hinting at the closeness they displayed all the time.

"I thought that's what it was supposed to be," Nino said, not really sure himself. The tone in his voice was questioning everything that Ohno was throwing at him. By the time Nino realized what was going on, he could see more of the hurt in the other man's face.

"... really?" Ohno said softly, not believing his own ears. He looked away, he didn't want to try to look into Nino's eyes for he felt he would break down into a heap; though he knew it was too late now, for his eyes had filled with tears already.

"Sato-chan," Nino started. "I thought that's what..." Nino couldn't even finish for he was interrupted by a sniffle from Ohno. Nino could see a tear running down the leader's face and his heart fell. He didn't realize it was all for real, both of them being so close and the whole fan service thing had covered the fact that there were sincere feelings laced into all of that.

"I love you..." Ohno breathed out. "I really do, with all of my being. And I... thought you did, too.

Nino hesitated for a moment, realizing how stupid he had been.

"...But, I do," Nino said softly, before sighing. "I guess... I just thought that it wouldn't really work out between us especially since we're idols. It just got to the point where I couldn't recognize my true feelings anymore. I thought I had to suppress them for the media... and so the show we were putting on wasn't real anymore."

Ohno wiped away the falling tears and sniffled before he looked at Nino once more. The leader could see that Nino's face had fallen, that he was starting to realize what his true feelings were.

Nino reached his hand out and placed it on the side of Ohno's face, bringing him close. He planted his soft lips onto the other man's, kissing him tenderly. Ohno didn't react as the action surprised him. Nino pulled away slowly to see his response, seeing his eyes glisten in the artificial light.

"No more," Nino said. "No more girlfriends. I only want you."

Ohno's eyes widened at that statement, the sincere tone proved to him that he really meant it. The older man leaned in and gave Nino a kiss, one that was softer and deeper than he had ever kissed Nino before. It felt right, the aura between them was strong and vibrant.

But the tender moment was short lived.

"Get a room you two!" an amused voice was heard across the room. The couple instinctively broke the kiss to see that it was Jun, who was followed in by the rest of the members.

"What are you two doing?" Sho asked, with a smile on his face. "Were you making out?"

"No," Nino said with a soft smile. "We were making up." He turned his head towards Ohno to finally see a genuine smile out of him even though his eyes were still slightly puffy from crying earlier. Even in sadness, Nino couldn't help but to be attracted to him. He knew things would be ok now and that they wouldn't hide their true feelings from anyone anymore.

When rehearsals were done, they walked together hand in hand, without letting each other go at all that night...
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