After a long week of hardcore shopping and grueling food preparation (you know I love it) I treated myself to a night off and went to see Pleasure Leftists at Paragon. I painted this picture of Danzig while I was waiting:
I was working on a bottle of cabernet solo, so I accidentally gave it away even though I had specifically promised Ms. Thorne a watercolor of Danzig. I'll make you a better one, I promise! I painted this one in the dark.
Pleasure Leftists put on a fun show. They sounded very much like Siouxsie and the Banshees and got everybody dancing. I took home a t shirt and a record for $12, even though they were asking $15. My offers of vicodin to make up the $3 were politely declined.
The party was sparsely attended due to Hurricane Freakout. Despite not reaching the level of mayhem I was hoping for, I was very happy with this party. I took a bit more time with the decorations, I was very satisfied with the food, and I was excited to give away such a fitting prize for pin the tail on the donkey- tickets to the planetarium and a pair of Welch's Muppets from Space glasses.
I don't know what it is with this marble cake recipe, but every time I make it the cupcake liners pull away. I tried to make them less ugly by taking off the liners and sticking them inside fresh ones.
Mary brought her 3 week old baby to the party and my mom reacted the same way that I did when I went to visit Onyx's kittens. My mom goes up to random babies in restaurants and coos at them, then turns to the parents and says "Isn't it a trip? This is the best thing that will ever happen to you!" I can be happy for the parents when they are my friends and clearly enjoying parenthood, but I am generally awkward about it and try to avoid holding the baby at all costs. To me it's like cradling a raw chicken. It's not particularly cute, and you really want to wash your hands afterwards.
Jen Zink won pin the tail on the donkey, Patni's Star Trek getup tied with the baby's superhero onesie in the costume contest. I might try to make a second ribbon to send along to little Rainer just to be fair.
I got a lot of nice presents and it was so wonderful to see everyone as always. We'll do it again in another 6 months for Valentine's day- shall we say Saturday, February 11th? Would anybody be offended by a "St. Valentine's Day Massacre" theme?
Although my downstairs neighbor, not entirely clear on the difference between a tornado and a hurricane, threatened that there would be "a problem" if my canoe blew away and fucked up her car, the Weather turned out to not be such a big deal. Everybody's trash cans got knocked over, my front yard is full of shingles, and small sections of the road are flooded, but shit was largely hyped.
Meeting my mom in Boston on Tuesday for a sunset cruise, overwhelmed with options for my own birthday on Wednesday but hopefully it will involve a cute boy making me dinner.