On Friday I told Jeremiah to fuck off for the last time. I had been complaining about how I didn't like how my boss had organized something and how it didn't make sense to me, and Jeremiah flew off the handle and started screaming at me about how I was being a brat. His tone was so shockingly unnecessary given the situation and unexpected from someone who calls himself my friend and says he loves me that it made me cry. Remembering that he has totally pulled this shit before, I told him that we weren't friends anymore and then he said some more mean things.
So let's talk about my policy regarding people, especially men, who make me cry. I am not a well of forgiveness. I don't believe in unconditional love. I very nearly loved Chris unconditionally and forgave him for a long list of hurtful incidents, including writing "Thanks for putting up with my shit" on his valentine card to me. When you do something nice for someone and in return, they make you feel stupid by doing something mean, it's time to give them the old heave-ho.
It doesn't matter if they're your family, your best friend since you were 8, or someone you find really, really attractive. I know two men who have had to disown their own mothers. I haven't spoken to my father in over seven years and it doesn't keep me up at night. They may tell you they're sorry. They may tell you they love you. They may, like my father, try to bribe you with SCUBA classes and fabulous sailboat trips to the Virgin Islands. Be strong. If someone is a jerk to you, then apologizes, and, without making any attempt whatsoever to improve their behavior, goes and acts like a jerk again and again, give yourself permission to guiltlessly tell them to hit the fucking road. There are plenty of people out there who won't make you cry, and chances are you are a cool enough person that you don't need to waste your time with the ones who do.
This is my friend Steve. He used to live downstairs from me at Tobey street. His band is called White Load. I took him canoeing a couple weeks ago and found out that he is afraid of spiders. I went to see his show at Paragon the other night and then this band Iceage played. I did not get any pictures of them because I had to climb on top of a set of lockers to avoid being swept up in the tide of Sweaty Dudes.
punk shows: an excuse for guys to have sex with each other without making it look all gay and stuff
The jazz-age lawn party was a bit of a nightmare! It took us a lot longer than expected to get there, so we actually only spent about two hours on Governor's island. However, there were about ten times as many people in attendance than last year, so two hours was about all we could handle anyway. I kind of spent the whole time there sweaty, exhausted, and feeling like I was either going to die or kill someone. My foot started bothering me a couple days ago and in NY it swelled up to almost as big as it was back when I first broke it. But Aimee had a really sweet headdress that she made and you know I won that fucking pie contest again. I ran into a nice reader, Megan, and her friend.
Yes sir, that's my Aimee
Super happy to be fucking leaving
We went to a bar while we were waiting for my bus and the bartender gave me a free beer for winning the pie contest
On Sunday I worked on some things for my party, and then went to go visit Providence Aimee's newborn kittens! Let me point out that I was much, much more excited to hear that the kittens had been born than I would be if someone had announced the birth of a human baby. They were so ugladorable, they looked like little rats. Most of them were busy eating but I got to hold one and it was pretty much the most magical thing that's happened to me in a long time. Two of them have not been spoken for yet, so if you're in the Boston/Providence area and you've decided that it's Kittytime, I'll put you in touch.
Does anybody know where I got this bruise? Ok, thanks.