word for thought

Oct 21, 2010 00:29

My patience is wearing thin!!! I can't wait for KAT-TUN's next single release - CHANGE UR WORLD~
Well, really, there are lots more things I'm looking forward to in the next month:

1) KAT-TUN with CHANGE UR WORLD (releasing on the 17th November~ my birthday~)
2) Kanjani8 with 8UPPERS (released today, I think) - though I'm really waiting for this to be released in my country which could be after a whole month!
3) ONE OK ROCK with another single coming up - hints of a new single leaked by the members through their blogs... haha! Can't wait for that  now!
4) YUI with RAIN (releasing - 24th November~) - this song is being used as the ending theme for the currently airing drama "PERFECT REPORT" and it makes me psyched that its another "rock" song after Again!
5) Ooo! Not forgetting~ Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows probably showing on the 18th November here~!

Listing these things down makes me even more impatient in looking forward to the next month! XD I gotta stop fangirling already!

And today was a fairly boring day... I just had a 3 hour tutorial from 12pm till 3pm, and all we did was to find out how our personality matches the kind of career that we will possibly take. And for the first few hours we were endlessly choosing "answers" that fit our personality. After the results came out, there was a lot of "Ooh! I didn't know about that!", "I'm not like that!" and "Ooh~ That is sooo true!" I'm beginning to think what is it that we're supposed to really do here?!

And after all that, I found out that I follow the trait of an ISFP - Introverted Sensing Feeling Perceiving which is also known as The Artist~ I was like thinking, if I'm like an artist, then why am I in a Finance course? I don't suppose I'll come up with some original system?! This led me thinking (yeah, I know. I think a lot!), what did I get myself into?! And they say ISFPs tend to be suitable to be designers, artists, teachers, etc... They say that, but what the heck! I'm in a Finance course, yo!

And to distract myself from all the buzz~ Here's a thing I've been keeping mum about for the past few months...
A short poem or whatever people call it, is what I've been dreading to put in here. So now, if you don't mind...

Do I want to remember you?

I struggled with myself

As I reached for that one photo album of our times together.

I took one out and held it up,

You put up your peace sign with an arm around a timid-me showing your goofy smile.

I remembered how you grabbed me by my shoulders

As you took out your mobile phone and held it up to take the shot.

You laughed at me back then.

Really, I hated that you always knew my embarrassing moments,

I hated that you always knew what I was thinking,

I hated that you knew that my weakness was bugs.

The urge of taking out each and every photo grew page by page.

Until I came to a photo of the two of us feeding each other watermelon on that bright, sunny afternoon.

Our mouths were open wide enough till the edges reached our eyes (not noticing who took the shot),

Both of us had fun, didn't we?


one ok rock, entry, ramblings, kat-tun, kanjani8, yui, news

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