(no subject)

Nov 03, 2010 00:08

6 MINUTES has passed since tower clock striked midnight. The seconds hand ticks and ticks as though it has a duty to fulfill.

I wish to say this to the sharp-tongued-but-sometimes-kind idol:

to Nishikido Ryo,
a respectable and inspiring JE artist working his ass off in both NewS and Kanjani8!

(May you always keep doing that~)


(I rarely post this kinda stuff, so I really don't know what to say~)

Wish him all the best for his future endeavors, the best for health, the best for his.....everything, I guess?

keep living your life as you always have been, so you won't go wrong :)
Your fans will always be there (and I literally mean it!) for you no matter how thick or thin the walls may go...
Gather all lessons learnt and bring them as you face your next new chapter in life.
Happy 26th Birthday!

Oo... And before I end this, the picture's not mine. Credit goes to J&A~

entry, nishikido ryo, birrthday

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