Hockey semi-finals this evening! I am both excited and nervous, and I'm also pretty sure we won't make it into the finals. But you know. Always worth a try. Also, massive history test on Monday that I'm stressing out about. I know this isn't particularly interesting for you to read, but seriously, Germany's history between the World Wars? Confusing!
I don't know if you've noticed, but I'm a fan of memes. This one doesn't even require love. You could tell me anything.
► ANON MEME ◄ I've been pondering this for a while now...if you could live in any other era, what would it be, and why? I sometimes think I'd have made a great hippie. I mean, would you have lived in ancient times? Medieval ages? Anything like that. Discuss with me, flist!
Have a good weekend, everybody.