You guys post waaaay too much, okay? Could you just all take a break for maybe two days and let me catch up?
Anyway, I did my English oral yesterday, the one on Y: The Last Man and The Handmaid's Tale, and I think it went all right. Mostly I just wanted to hit the girl who spent my entire speech giggling at the naked people. It's like, okay, how old are you? And also, why does everyone expect comics to be just for little kids? YES, THERE IS SEX IN Y: THE LAST MAN. Grow up, or at least move on.
tellingasecret- Post a Comment and I'll randomly assign you a letter (A - Z in the English Alphabet)
- Then you have to respond by listing ten things/people you LOVE that begin with that letter.
- Afterwards, post this in your journal and give out some letters of your own.
I was given the letter S.
1. Spencer Smith (alliteration and everything!)
2. Sunday mornings
3. Shadowcat (as in Kitty Pryde, from X-Men, because she’s my favourite)
4. Sci-fi (especially dystopias)
5. 'So You Think You Can Dance' (have I never mentioned what a sucker I am for shows like this? Project Runway and America’s Next Top Model are also up there)
6. Snow (it’s a simple love, but man, do I miss it.)
7. S’mores (you guys, not only is the name awesome, but they’re delicious in their simplicity! Another thing they don’t have here.)
8. Say 18, a song by The Matches (because it was the first time I listened to them and thought “Hey, I really love this guy’s lyrics.” I mean, how can you resist She’s got a lot of issues/Like a good magazine/The kind you’d find under my bed/If you know what I mean.)
9. Storms (I’m not going to relate this back to Northern Downpour, though it’s tempting. Mostly I just love hearing the rain.)
10. Serenity (not as in the feeling, but as in the movie and the ship in the movie.)
Hope everyone is having a good week!