notyourbroom Apr 07, 2006 22:52
lessons, library noises, soppy, weather report, flowers, zocks!, cupcakes, villanelles for the win, bourgeous institutions, reclaimed cargo, mysterious camus novels, fleecy rainbows, shimmering, hat elementals, jesus as a rock star, words rhyming with "ze
notyourbroom Dec 21, 2005 23:35
lessons, music, flowers, sounds, and on and on, hit it pull back and grow, warmth, high school, legends, facts, eyes, voice sounds, large sounds, things pertaining to air, glottally-attacked vowels, solemn vowels, good noises
notyourbroom Dec 02, 2005 15:18
soviet russia, i'm tired, spongy birds, words starting with 'c', sounds-as-waking sounds, quadrangles, no snowmen, excursion, captain planet, vangry owls, water, angry trees, lines, legends, facts, matter, states of matter, sky, snow, wind, cold days, things pertaining to air, sleep, lessons, legs, flowers, hunger, tzars, forces, pictures, thumbtacks, the blue color, eyes, jocular vegetation, one potato, leaves, old sirens, light
notyourbroom Nov 24, 2005 22:11
soviet russia, kettles, orthography, frank-goats, flowers, legs, word-astronauts, red warrior, html, turkeys, captain planet, phenomena pertaining to books, lists, syntax, facts, states of matter, cookies, sleep, nomenclature