For the last four days I've been getting up, going to tashadandelion's new place and painting. When I get home, I shower, read LJ, learn random things like how to eat a banana, realize the time, and go to bed
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Left the house at 8:30 this morning, drove to NJ, grabbed a paint can, a big brush, a big rollerastepladderasmallerrollerasmallerbrusharagasponge and painted a room yellow, anotherroomadobeandanotherroomred then declared it to be dark out and got home at 10:30.
All of last week, I worked the film festival in exchange for free movies. itsallmishegoss was my first boss. By the end of the week, I had worked at Ritz East, Ritz 5, the Bridge and the International House. I ran into spring_violet several times and we caught up a bit
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Last night I went to Bikram, unlike the boatload of wimps that wimped out. I actually liked the fact that there were storms promised because a little rain after sweating would be enjoyable
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1 PM - play games in a bar with Alpaca Farmers 5 PM - play pool in a bar 6 PM - drive south 7 PM - play games a shellefly2 AM - realize how late it is and go home
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