In 2007,
notbamf resolves to...
Drink four glasses of batman every day.
Learn to play the yu-gi-oh.
Take evening classes in marvel.
Lose ten i's by March.
Tell my family about seattle seahawks.
Ask my boss for a j-pop.
A) I better already know how to play Yu-Gi-Oh!. I played it for about 4 years.
B) I tell EVERYONE about the Seahawks!
I haven't LJ'ed much lately. Not much to say. I've been slacking off at home lately. Playing Smackdown vs. Raw, watching Azumanga Daioh. I should be writing right now, but I'm feel a bit piqued. My face is pink and I'm light-headed. Hope I'm not coming down with anything; I wasn't feeling well last night before bed. I did a lot of in-bed, before-sleep storyplotting in my mind, though. Wish that translated into more finished projects.
Man, that survey up there reminds me: I've actually been missing Yugioh lately. At Wal-Mart tonight, I was scoping out the card section. They've released a ton of new stuff. Part of me still wants to buy it up! I loved getting new cards and coming up with new deckthemes. But over the course of the cousins moved to St. Louis, Stacey and I broke up, Yugi-Boy and I don't work together, both my websites went down, and my online buddy sold his cards. No one left to play with. There's not a card store that holds tournaments (that I can find, anyway) in several miles (the nearest ones are both over an hour away).
--Interlude: Beelzeboss just came on Shuffle. FUCK. YES. "We challenge you to a Rock-off! Give us one chance to rock your socks off." This song POWNS. Everything.--
Anyway, I just broke up my line of thought. I miss deckmaking and strategizing. It kept my mind fresh. I loved that game, G.D. it. With all my heart.
Oh, that brings up an excellent point, I've all but eradicated swearing in my day-to-day life. Everything has become "poop", "eff", "G.D.", and "kumquat". Yes, kumquat. Like the fruit. It' inside joke. With me. No one else. I've been back to saying "bloody" a lot, too. Heh. I'm so British. This is something I do now-and-again...I lose my desire to say naughty words and circumvent them. It eventually fades back into potty mouth.
There ye go. Short one for you. I'll try harder next time.