Dec 04, 2007 16:10
Did you know more people are concerned with Illegal Immigration than pretty much any other major issue as we head into the 2008 elections?
That's true.
Illegal immigration.
Now, I personally find this to be...a ridiculous notion. When it comes to illegal immigration, I put that SOMEWHERE on the flow chart, a bit lower than Panda Flu on the list of things I think we, as a society, need to worry about (actually, I'll be honest: I have a small, but legitimate concern in regards to Panda Flu. I AM TELLING THE GOD'S HONEST TRUTH. You can read into those capital letters however you sarcasm or emphasized truth. Maybe I'll get into the Panda Flu concerns shortly here after the whole illegal immigration thing. I am meandering on...). Illegal immigration is about as big of a non-issue for this country as I can imagine. Should people be entering this country illegally? Probably not. It poses a basic security risk. Do I blame others in less-developed countries for wanting to come here to better their lives? No. It's just not something I care about. Do I care if people around me are speaking in English or whatever else? No. There's no national language in America. People should speak whatever they want. Do care if people come here and take low paying jobs that several Americans would rather be on welfare and take? No.
Maybe it's just me. I have a hard time with the whole American "Yay America! us vs. Everyone else! We're the superbest ever!" philsophy. In my opinion, everyone on Earth has the same value as everyone else, and no matter where you live or where you were born or who your leaders are, you should have the same rights and access to betterment as ayone else. National borders are just fake lines we draw on a map. That's why I get annoyed when hearing others bitch about "I'm sick of helping the sick Africans! We have our own sick!" Why does it matter WHO we help, as long as we're helping people in need? It baffles me, I don't know. I don't get the whole "America is the best ever and everyone has to love it! Oh, also...never come here."
About the immigration, though...I just don't care. We've had "illegal" immigration for DECADES into this country and it's never hurt anything. Now all the sudden we are concerned about "our language" and "our white majority" and "our culture"? NOW? When we have an endless war that is sapping our country's resources, protection, respect, and money? Now, when we are on the borderline of a social security crisis as Boomers enter retirement and the system won't be able to support them? Now when we have a segment of legal citizens without the basic legal right of marriage? Now, when we still have such racial tension that everyone from a hurricane to a college raping gets broken down by racial lines? Now, when we have a media that constantly betrays us and doesn't report facts and doesn't police the governmemt, but works as a mouthpiece for it? We have nothing else worth worrying about more than something that has been going on for decades and hasn't hurt anything yet? I must be losing touch.
Pandas, though, man. Pandas are the real terror. And I WILL TELL YOU WHY.
Pandas are adorable. They're cute and soft and something I should well want to love forever. Like Koalas or bunnies.
But here's the thing. Pandas are unnecessarily stupid. THEY CAN'T EVEN FIGURE OUT HOW TO MATE. We keep pandas for YEARS, and when they FNALLY figure out how to mate and make a baby panda, it's HUGE news. It tskes years of failure for them to succeed at BASIC LIFE. And you know why? Because god wants the panda to die. BUT WE KEEP STEPPING IN AND STOPPING IT! Usually, I am 8 billion percent in favor of the propogating of ALL creatures (except wasps/hornets/yellowjackets/etc), but pandas...don't trust them. I'm telling you: god is trying to eradicate these things with stupidity for a reason, and 20 or 30 years from now when Panda Flu becomes a reality and 87% of life on Earth is wiped out, god's going to look at us and say "I tried to save you dumbfucks. You kept forcing them to breed. When an animal can't even figure out how to procreate, isn't that a MESSAGE?"
So...Panda Flu. Watch for it.