Did Annabeth Gish sell her soul to Lifetime Movie Network, why are her movies on every time I turn on the TV (look, where else will I see The Truth about Jane OK)
W/e short hair looks good on you, gurl
SPEAKING OF MOVIES, tomorrow night is DanaRaphael movie night! We are watching Pirates and The Machine GirlI will keep it
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Emily cried buckets of tears last night, so I asked her to paint my nails, an activity that always cheers her up. (Not that you asked, but the color is Revlon ~Plum Seduction~ and it's punchy as hale.)
I delicately flipped on Lifetime (it and LMN and Sex and the City are my latest guilty pleasures, God help me). LO AND BEHOLD:
"The problem is that once you see it [sexism], you can't turn it off."
So there are some thoughts (let's call them unicorns Cessna two-seaters) doing aeronautic tricks 'round muh brain. Lemme see if I can summarize: transfeminism zoom zoom and anti-racism neeeooooowwwrrrrr. There we go
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Mom moved out. A few weeks ago, when it hadn't been executed yet, she called separation a "trial." She had an epiphany since we talked: coming home now would mean never being able to leave again. Fast as you can, hon
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