Rented Bound and sent Emily ("I wanna waaaaaaaatch") to bed.
- Fun thriller! A+ recommendation, would trust my FL with unimportant decisions again
- Hey, Jennifer Tilly's voice. How you doin'?
- Lol bb Christopher Meloni
- Dad wished there were more on-screen sex. I agree but jeez could you be more transparent
* * * * *
We pause the movie to bid Mom, out cold next to Em only a few minutes earlier, goodnight. She leaves and I pop open the drinking-glass cabinet for something into which to pour Coke Zero. The back of its door has taped to it overlapping lists of phone numbers: friends', the landlord's, our doctors' and preferred hospital's, yadda yadda yadda, and a page of government contacts ripped from an old phone book. I pour my drink and flip up a paper to read the FDA hotline.
"Let's call the FDA."
"Let's call the FDA. I have a bone to pick with them."
"Fine, but not from our phone."
The kettle whines; boiling water dissolves stevia goop and steeps green tea, and I move the pot with a slosh and a laugh to a cool burner. A backup beverage, you see.
"You're afraid of the FDA? What could they possibly do to you?"