In time: A Lesson in Eavesdropping

Jul 25, 2010 20:23

Title: A Lesson in Eavesdropping
Summary: Daniel learns that things with Jack and Sam aren’t always as they seem…or sound.
Timeframe: After ‘Moebius,’ at Jack’s cabin.
Characters/Pairing: Daniel, Sam/Jack
Genre: Humor
Rating: PG-13 (for some mild innuendo)

A Lesson in Eavesdropping

The soft rustling of people moving nearby half-roused Daniel from his mid-afternoon nap on Jack’s sofa. He lifted one eyelid slowly as he heard familiar voices whispering. Without his glasses, and only squinting one eye, Daniel could just about make out the fuzzy shapes of Jack and Sam on the other side of the room. It looked like Jack had woken Sam up from her own nap. The last thing Daniel recalled was all of them hanging around, watching a movie. Most, if not all of them-save for Teal’c, probably-had fallen asleep.

“Carter, c’mere. I wanna show you somethin’.”

“What?” Sam’s skeptical whisper.

“Just come with me, will ya?” Jack’s voice, impatient. No surprise there.

Daniel heard Sam get up, then fully opened his eyes when his two friends’ footsteps faded down the hall. Curiosity set in, and he unfolded himself from the cushions, rising and tiptoeing along the short corridor. Daniel could hear Jack and Sam’s voices in the bathroom, and stopped, leaning against the wall to listen.

“I wanna show you somethin’, but don’t freak out.”

“Um… What?” Slow, tentative, curious.

“Just…turn around for one second.”

“Sir? Wait, why is there a…EEK!!”

Sam’s screech nearly caused Daniel to jump out of his skin. He forced himself to relax and put a hand over his mouth to muffle any noises he might make as he continued to listen.


“Shush, Carter! For cryin’ out loud.” Jack muttered with a chuckle.


“I know, right?” Prideful, smug. “And you didn’t believe me.”

“But… It’s just so…small.” Holding back laughter.

“What did you expect, Carter? Moby Dick?” Sharp, indignant. Classic Jack on the defensive.

“Well, no, but-“ a pause. “Maybe something bigger than…a minnow.”

“Minnow? Really, Carter?” Disbelieving snort. “Jeeze, who woulda thought you’d be so critical.”

“I’m sorry, sir. I don’t mean to offend you or anything, but it’s just-“ Holding back laughter.

Daniel felt his eyebrows shoot up to his hairline. What was he listening in on, here?!

“Maybe I shoulda showed Daniel first. He’d be more appreciative.”

Oh, God, no! Daniel stumbled backward and tripped, making a loud noise. He froze suddenly as the bathroom door swung open.

“Daniel?” Sam questioned with a curious look.

“Uh…” he cleared his throat and straightened before dumbly pointing at the door. “Um, I just had to go to the bathroom.”

Jack stepped around Sam and into the hall, eyeing Daniel suspiciously. “Why is your face so red?”

“I was sleeping,” Daniel answered quickly, as though that explained it.

Sam shared a quizzical look with Jack before they both shrugged and headed back to the living room.

Daniel felt like his heart would burst out of his chest. Oh God, he would never get those images out of his head! Heaving out a breath, Daniel stepped into the bathroom, looking at himself in the mirror for a moment before his gaze drifted downward. Oh.

“Ah-Jack? Why is there a live fish swimming in your sink?”

-The End-

episode tag: moebius, team, series: in time, daniel jackson, ficlet, samjack, humor

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