In Time: Bonked

Jun 27, 2010 10:28

Title: Bonked
Summary: Just when Jack thinks he’s ahead of the game…
Timeframe: AU (the Maddie universe started in “Boo-Boo.”)
Characters/Pairing: Established Sam/Jack, Maddie
Genre: Fluff, Humor
Rating: G


Sam raised a skeptical eyebrow as her husband strode into the kitchen wielding a child-sized aluminum baseball bat, a glove and ball in the other hand. “Jack,” she began cautiously, a hint of warning in her tone.

“Sam, it’s official,” he announced with a boyish twinkle in his dark eyes. “It’s time for Maddie to learn the basics of Tee-Ball.”

Not wanting to quash her husband’s enthusiasm in teaching their four-year-old daughter how to play one of his favorite sports, Sam decided that voicing a warning wouldn’t do any harm. “Are you sure this is a good idea, Jack?”

“Maddie’s at a perfect age to start!” The grin never left Jack’s face. “She’ll be fine, Sam. I even got her a batting helmet, just to be extra safe.”

Snorting softly with amusement, Sam waved a hand at her husband. “I was actually concerned about your safety,” she said flippantly.

“No problem.” Not missing a beat, a smug grin spread across Jack’s face. “I’m wearin’ a cup.”

Suppressing her laugh, but not a smile, Sam closed her eyes and shook her head. “Alright,” she caved, waving a hand in dismissal. “Go play.”

“Yes!” Jack cheered and headed for the back door. “Hey, Mads, come on outside! Daddy’s gonna show you a new game!”

“Yay!” Sam heard their daughter’s delighted squeal from down the hall, and moments later the four-year-old was bounding off toward the door.


Once he’d finished going over the mechanics of catching the ball, Jack decided it was time to set up the Tee.

“Daddy, what ifs that for?” Maddie cocked her blonde, curly head curiously and pointed at the plastic Tee.

“I’m gonna show you, kiddo. Just watch.” Ignoring the crick in his knees, Jack knelt in the grass beside the short Tee and set the ball on top. “Now you swing at the ball like this.” He picked the bat up off the grass and swung gently, knocking the ball off its perch.

Maddie’s face lit up with excitement. “Cool!” She ran to pick up the ball and returned it to Jack.

Jack handed his daughter the bat. “Okay, Mads, how ‘bout you take a few practice swings before we hit the ball, alright?”

“O’tay,” Maddie agreed with a nod, awkwardly holding the child-sized aluminum bat. “What I do wif this?”

Still on his knees, Jack adjusted his daughter’s stance and got the bat situated over her shoulder. “Now you just swing.”



Immediately dropping her book at the sound of her daughter’s bloodcurdling scream, Sam bolted off the couch and out the back door into the yard. Her mother’s instincts were on overdrive, and all she could picture was her little girl with a bloody nose, or even a black eye.

What Sam wasn’t expecting, was to find her four-year-old standing over Jack, who appeared unconscious on the lawn, the baseball bat on the ground by his head.

“I killeded Daddy!!” Maddie screeched, her attention flashing toward Sam with puffy red eyes and a tear-streaked face.

Sam rushed over and pulled her distraught daughter into her arms, simultaneously kneeling beside Jack. “Shh, it’s okay, sweetie.” She reached out with one arm and touched her husband’s shoulder.

Jack groaned and slid one hand up to rub against his head. His eyelids slowly fluttered open.

“Daddy’s okay, Maddie. He just got a little bonk on the head.”

“You call that little?” Jack murmured with a groan, rubbing at his head and slowly sitting up. “Ow.”

Maddie sniffed and pulled her face out of Sam’s neck, turning to glance at her father with a trembling lower lip. “I hitted him wif the bafesball bat on accident.”

“Ouch.” Sam smiled tightly with sympathy and gently nudged Maddie toward the house to get a snack. She then carefully helped Jack to his feet, grasping his arm to steady him when he swayed for a moment.

“Come on inside so I can look at your head, slugger.”

Jack walked slowly with her toward the house. He snorted. “She’s got a pretty damn good swing for a four-year-old.”


Jack sunk down on the couch, rubbing at his head with a grimace while Sam went to get him an ice pack and some Aspirin. His head was thumping, and he was pretty sure there was a good sized goose-egg above his left eyebrow. The next time he played baseball with his daughter, Jack would be sure to tell her to wait until Daddy was out of the way before swinging the bat. Oy.

Sam returned with the ice and sat down beside him, gesturing for him to lean back as she gently placed the towel-wrapped pack on his head. “How’s that?”

He sighed softly and nodded. “Better. Thanks.” Jack could see Maddie cautiously edging toward the couch when Sam handed him the Aspirin. He sent his daughter a reassuring smile. “C’mon over here, kiddo. It’s okay.”

It took him a moment to realize that Maddie was holding something behind her back. “What’cha got there, kiddo?”

She pulled her hand out, revealing that she was holding onto the batting helmet that Jack had got her. Maddie thrust it toward him, and Jack took it, a curious expression on his face.

“What’s this for, Mads?”

Maddie smiled brightly at him and said, “Daddy next time you wear my helmet, o’tay?”


au, series: in time, established relationship, fluff, other character, samjack, humor

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