It's official, I need to throw down with my family: COVID edition!

May 07, 2020 22:02

Source: me and
jilliferium video-called our sixty+ year old mum today! As a nice "Hi, you've not seen our faces in a while!" treat! ... She's at the supermarket. With one of my sisters, who lives on the other side of town, because "If I didn't make [sister] come to the supermarket, she wouldn't leave the house!"

Cue me and Jill yelling "GOOD, YOU'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO!" a lot.

... My mum is like 67 and has health problems, that sister has bipolar disorder and a bunch of mental/physical conditions to go with it... And they're going to the supermarket together, rather than quarantining. What.

In related news, you remember my niece who eloped with a guy fifteen years older than her? They've both been evicted from their flat for Unspecified Reasons That Probably Involve Not Paying Rent, and are trying to come back from Florida anyway! So I'm currently angrily spamming the family chat with HERE IS THE INSTRUCTIONS FOR HOW TO APPLY FOR A VISA EXTENSION BECAUSE YOU'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO TRAVEL, so, y'know, that's where I'm at today.

rl: you can't pick your family, rl: panic! at the pandemic, rl: family

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